There’s a dark side to the Gentleminions trend:
Everyone has a blind spot!
And furthermore, I would like to say at this point that I think this whole article to be a damp squid.
I had a principal describe an incoming class of kids who didn't care much as being a, "very empathetic group."
Since when did Lifehacker become Buzzfeed, because that’s exactly what this type of content is, outsourced opinions with little of worth.
A long time ago, I got interested in these notices and researched it a bit. At the time, the consensus was that if it was being sent with every email, it invalidated it. For example, if it said it was to be treated as confidential or protected information, but was attached when someone was sharing a viral video, meme,…
I can’t be the only Babylon 5 fan here, can I? One of the main characters, the Chief of Security, Michael Garibaldi, made it for his birthday after the doctor had put him and the other senior staff on diets (sorry, “food plans.”). Hilarity ensues when the doctor, Stephen Franklin, catches Garibaldi sneaking the…
I just bought some mask extenders to hold the strings around the back of my head instead of hurting my ears. It seems that they allow for you to adjust how tight/loose the mask is. I’ll see how well they work, but as a teacher who is facing going back next month, I wanted a solution that would be as comfortable for…
I do find it very interesting how people see themselves. If you put all of these avatars on a page, without names, I would be hard pressed to guess correctly for most of them.
Just something to pass the time with while I’ve got Facebook open on my computer, as my fellow teachers and I are using it to communicate. …
Where do they stand? In the way.
You might want to mention that this code is an old one. Turns out, I already used it. I thought it was a new code. :(
You might want to mention that this code is an old one. Turns out, I already used it. I thought it was a new…
I like my father's, "If you can't be good, don't be bad."
I read most of the comments in Jason's voice. Wait, are all these commenters just Jason posting with multiple accounts? Am I... Jason?
Touche on that point.
Google is trying to take over everything, “How dare they?”
As my daughter points out, they're like kids: they do great at small, specific tasks, the more menial, the better.
When I use Walmart Pay, it gives me an option to submit my receipt to Savings Catcher. It’s just one extra tap after the sale goes through. I wish it were automatic, but I can see those with privacy concerns not wanting that option.
Anyone notice Simmons’ line about them being good as long as Deke doesn’t blink out of existence (referring to the timeline changing)? I’ve got a feeling that’s going to tie into Infinity War. It would definitely be an interesting twist and really screw with the team.