
I Love You Just The Way You Are Illegally Recruited

“Caught having a brief affair at an Italian eatery” is the best Billy Joel song IMHO

/Creedence comes on the radio


Had this convo on twitter earlier.

I am so exhausted this morning. I woke up early yesterday to make sure I watched the London game in its entirety, then had to keep watching through the end of SNF just so Trump would know that I disagree with him.

Patriots TE Rob Gronkowski: “I have 69 touchdowns.”

Honestly, if I heard “Nuclear strike is heading to L.A.” on the radio (living 20 miles outside of downtown), I would immediatley disregard it.

Move on them like a bitch, Barlow

“I don’t see why not.”

Watching that filled me with unbridled anger! Canter petty ass get banned for this behavior?

Barron was photographed rocking a head-to-toe Arsenal kit

Now playing

Good thing I’ve been hoarding bottlecaps just in case...

The horse handled it with equinimity, one would say.


“Last one to get subpoena is the focus of the investigation.”

If you make the actual KKK the only place where you can acknowledge the coolness of D&D terms, then you’ll just push people into the KKK.

Can we just admit that a group of men coming together to violently continue the legacy of racism is totally fucked up, and that incorporating titles like “Grand Wizard” into their naming system is a combination of creepy and moronic.

“What’s HIPAA?”

Mine is an inside joke that no one remembers anymore about cows. combine that with being a girl playing video games...get get called cow a lot in both a username and name calling sense. 28 year old me also hates 16 year old me.