Hey! Don't burn me!

Wow. I was completely mesmerized by this article. I cannot begin to even imagine what she has and is going through. She sounds like an intelligent woman who is working everyday to better understand her situation and improve her mental health. What an incredibly strong woman.

There are police forces in areas of other countries that do not carry guns. Truth is, I don't have a perfect solution. Yes, my dream would be that they would be outlawed in all capacity but that I know that is a pipe dream. There just has to be a better solution than the what is happening now, I just don't have a clue

I was just going to say the same thing. There are other purposes for cars and pools. There are not for guns. And I'm talking about handguns and the such, not the guns people use for hunting.

I wish more gun owners were as reasonable as that man.

Reading that last sentence about how the shoot was done by that piece of shit pervert was... jarring to say the least. It's shocking and oh so refreshing to have a woman as well known as Nicki Minaj talking publicly about having an abortion. I was reading it and felt proud of Nicki for being so brave about talking

Sincere question: To be as safe as possible, it's best to keep guns in the home unloaded with bullets in a separate location if the gun is not in a safe/locked box. If it is in a safe/locked box, it's still better to keep the gun unloaded but I guess bullets in the same location are ok. My question is: if a gun is

I know that Serial and I'm sure that all the major publications tried to reach out to Jay during the past few months and he barely spoke-if at all-to anyone publicly. Why this publication? Why now?