Exactly. Salma Hayek is not the boss of me.
Exactly. Salma Hayek is not the boss of me.
Niggerilla sounds like the title of a 70's blacksploitation movie. A brother gets exposed to radiation and ends up rampaging through Harlem. Also, I would watch the hell out of it while feeling bad about it.
White definitely cracks.
I love you!
b) not working out remotely hard enough.
American Giant or Everlane has some great ones.
Yes! 100%!! Sweatpants are apres gym to keep your muscles warm, in the house to be cozy, fancy ones with high tops for in the airport when I want to look like a Death Row Records promoter. I wear compression athletic leggings in the gym, with vents to stay cool. They improve performance. And I am 50 + and still have…
Hah! It’s literally all I could see. But now I just want some actual strawberry shortcake.
Reminiscent of...
Same! My two indoor males get into a slap fight/wrestling match pretty much once a week. I usually stay far away. It does crack me up when one slaps off the other’s safety collar. It seems like such a sick cat burn.
I feel the same way! Ever since I saw a video of a diver trying to trade a bigger clear bottle for the smaller opaque bottle that the little guy was using for his home, eating them was off the list. Spoiler, he chose his original opaque hiding place.
Exactly, it’s like who knew he kept his withered sac up there.
Ooooh, that’s so good.
Yes! “Use your app to real time geo locate new ‘hoods you can now freely navigate.” Also, it would be BlockChainz, Yo! to be more “authentic” to the target audience. I think we’re on to something.
Now I want to print and sell white people The Official Hood Pass Card (tm) that includes unlimited use of the N word, safe passage through Crenshaw, and an invite to the cook out. Could be months before anyone catches on that it’s useless. Next up, HoodPassCrypto.
Ask for them to be well done and try animal style fries. So good.
I just want to know what song those two are dancing to, because their moves do not match up with the song. Is it because all wypipo have an endless barrage of John Philips Souza marches blaring in their heads, which disrupts their ability to dance to the beats actually being played?
I love terrible number jokes!
EXACTLY!! It’s not fried chicken vodka, he just made chicken vodka!!!