Classics never die.
Tremendously sad ending to an amazing life. Condolences to him, and his family, and friends.
Parra on his next team- “Can I kick it?”
Avon, IN here, so if they show as much love to say..... Hemingway, or Cowpens South Carolina, or White Springs, Florida then perhaps we will have something. Hughes Net, or whatever rural ISP isn’t the catch all for everyone. For every Google Fiber disaster like what happened in Louisville, there will be people left in …
Rest well Nipsey. Blue Laces 2 was a poignant song too. Good on you for highlighting the song, and the artist.
It was almost as if the Big Ten funneled him some money to get his shinebox for Urban.
The late great Ravishing Rick Rude made it on the bottle, I see.
The late great Ravishing Rick Rude made it on the bottle, I see.
As long as he continues to his powers for good and not evil, the baseball gods will continue smile upon him. Godspeed Brohei Brotani
He was blindsided by the news, but did he fumble the news and have it returned for a touchdown by an opposing Defensive Tackle also? That’s the only way I’ll know if he’s being honest.
My 12 yr old daughter is into BTS, Shinee among others, and I try to always temper her immense fandom by always making sure she knows of the darker side of the industry as well. I don’t want her thinking that it’s all smiles out there and it isn’t. I want her to be aware. I hope I’m not being a buzzkill dad, I just…
WCW/NWO Revenge was a fucking amazing game my personal all time fav as well. World Tour was too. WCW vs the World was ok as well. WM 2000 was a good one, No Mercy. I didn’t really like the arcade style, still don’t lol. Raw & Royal Rumble for the 16 bit consoles were great ones too. WCW had a good one on Nintendo. And…
I was hoping for the kind that would have been NSFW. Oh well, gotta look up a girls of the SEC Playboy Mag.....
That was most unfortunate.
Rosemary should be in WWE, her and Finn could totally own that Demon gimmick. Sexy Star was low for that.
Conan all day. Fuck Leno with a heavily spiked bat.
That is a porn star’s name. Has to be.
So it’s safe to say Mr. Boxburger got his lunch ate......
Flipping like Cirque du Soleil