
I listened to a podcast on which he was the guest. Can’t remember which one, but I think he’s basically a good guy from humble origins who doesn’t really fit in with Hollywood as he’s still too country. His politics bug me; he’s a bit too Libertarian, but he has a good left lean, which makes up for it somewhat.

No. Your points are not unassailable. They are, in fact, hyperbolic, hysterical, illogical, cruel and reek of paranoia. I can’t tell if you’re trolling, or if you lack emotional maturity and healthy coping mechanisms/parenting skills. In all sincerity, you may want to seek help. There’s some very grandiose, distorted

You could try the pulmonologist route, but my suspicion is they’d refer her to cardiology. As far as the lung cancer, typically surveillance following curative therapy is done via CT scan at specific intervals. COPD can show on a chest x-ray if it’s severe enough. I’m also concerned that blood test results were used

Sounds like she could benefit from an appt. with a urogynecologist, or a urologist. Both of those specialists deal with recurrent UTIs. If necessary they can consult with an infectious disease doc if she’s harboring a strange/difficult bacteria. Or, it could be a structural or neurogenic bladder issue. UTIs can really

Be friends! You will both change a lot over the course of time, and you always want to remember the person he/she was when you met. It’s more important than anything, money, career, sex, you name it. And WAIT to have kids, if you’re going to have a child. Seriously, it makes life/everything harder. Live a little

As a nurse, I seethe with anger and disgust at all of the Republican MDs I know. They may not all support Trump, but they sure supported their party by voting for him. I can’t reconcile their claim of vocation with the disdain and disregard with which they willingly treat the most vulnerable among us.

Tony Stewart’s asshole would still swallow Busch’s asshole.

Remember the “Lady Vols” coach? I think her name was Pat Summit. She was lauded and practically sainted after her death. She was horrendously abusive to her players. But, they were successful, and she was praised. No one cares as long as the money flows.

No, I think she’s trying to say she’s part of the Duck Dynasty clan.

Follow Gene Demby of NPR on Twitter. Housing segregation is a main focus of his and he freq. links to articles/studies/interviews etc., as well as does his own writing. He’s an excellent resource if housing segregation is your interest.

Are any of these cruelty free?

Are any of these cruelty free?

She sure got a lot of photoshopping. Must have thrown a fit about that, too.

True. Gaga’s songs actually have discernible melodies and arcs. They make good ear worms. Beyonce’s team writes really unremarkable songs melodically. I haven’t had a “Beyonce”esque song stuck in my head since she was with Destiny’s Child.

After the awards he’s gonna go out with Donald and grab some pussies.

She’s a person who can carry a tune...but that tune is not pleasant to listen to. I just don’t get her appeal. I think that’s what the over the top theatrics are about, to distract from the fact that there’s really no there....there. Whereas Gaga, of whom I am also not a big fan, I concede is truly a remarkable vocal

Love her. She’s such a genuine pro.

Oh, I’m sure Fox News will breathlessly interview her tomorrow. You’ll learn all about her. Then, she’ll become Trump’s latest cabinet member.

Just had a guy tell me to kill myself, “you liberal dyke” on Yelp. Be warned, there will be blowback if you post....