
As a nurse I’ve always despised the practice of catering to the personal biases of patients. I support these employees 100%.

She’s a whack job. Anyone who freaks out about a service dog in a restaurant is a moron. She ought not to leave her house if she’s such a germaphobe. That dog was probably cleaner than the utensils with which she was eating. File her under the same category as the heiress who kicked her horse.

They need a bigger flag.

So sick of all of these religious fucknuggets. What a bunch of deluded, pious assholes.

Nah. If sex is bringing down your relationship, you didn’t have much of a relationship to begin with. Sex is always frivolous.

Yeah, a lot of these comments are soooo bizarre to me. Maybe it’s because I’ve been married for 20 years, but I can’t imagine sex being so high up on the priority list that it would threaten my marriage. A partner I can trust, who is emotionally mature, my closest confidant and a wonderful father to my child? WAY more

The book is very good.

But that’s the thing. Having gender reassignment CAN be a life or death thing. Will a person die because they are trans and therefore there is a biological process that will eventually kill them if they don’t have surgery? No. (Well, unless you count debilitating physiological changes that can occur with long standing

The flaw in your opinion is your assertion that gender reassignment surgery is not medically necessary. It is also not strictly cosmetic. And of course post-op complications should be covered, just like they are for every other surgery. It doesn’t sound like you understand gender dystrophia at all, or, you are

Just want to say I loved season 1 and thanks for reminding me to look for season 2 ! I love the performances of Tig, the brother and the step-dad. :)

The Moth. I never know if a story is going to make me laugh, cry or both :)

I just cannot watch Reese Witherspoon. All I see when I look at her is her drunken “Do you know who I am” incident. She has smug, southern belle written all over her. I can think of so many other actresses who would be perfect for the roles she gets. Sigh.

This is the POS who killed a tame, penned up bear for fun and then tried to cover it up. Save your tears.

Yup. And Reagan is a deity.

Sorry, I know. I’m one of the apparent few who genuinely enjoyed KOQ, and he really made me laugh. But ever since I became aware of his politics, ugh. I wonder what Patton Oswalt thinks of him. Trumpsters are indefensible.

Eh, he’s a Trumpster. That makes him ugly through and through.

I hate AV Kinja. It was such a great community and now, poof. I know a lot of people are meeting up at a different site, but it’s just not the same.

How cute is it that s/he thinks that you even have the option of “just teaching.” As if the fucked up family lives of these children doesn’t permeate their waking hours. You know, those hours where they’re supposed to be learning but can’t because Mom and Dad, Mom and Mom or Dad and Dad can’t get their shit together

No. This is not based on him taking his child to church.

Chris Pratt can cool it with the God speak any time now. When did he become so insufferable?