
Don’t tell me he’s a religious whack job!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO.........

It’s infuriating that many of these same women spent a lot of time dutifully slandering and dismissing women who had come forward with reports of sexual harassment and assault via their various platforms. The worst kind of women. They all can go to hell, along with Ailes.

There’s no reason a nursing student should have to be writing essays. Signed, a nurse.

I hear you. I lived there for 5 years and worked at Vanderbilt Medical Center. One would think that you’d run into many people from all walks of life/regions seeing as how the university is right next door. Nope. All religion, all the time. All right wing evangelical Christians, all the time. One of my co-workers once

You just made me laugh! I was the same way! Apparently my first date with my now husband was when we went to a Chili’s in college and he paid. I had no idea. To him, it was a really big deal. I thought we were there because he was hungry. :) I’m a bit slow on the uptake.

He’s horrible. You can tell he’s one of those testosteroney good ol’ boys. Probably never lifts a finger in that house. And could his good bye to Brianna be any more indifferent? You could see the palpable relief when Brianna’s car drove off from OK. Bet the first thing he did was hit the couch with a 6 pack, belch,

Leave it to that splotch of smegma, Ann Coulter, to get a dig in about Hillary Clinton. Does that witch EVER have down time?

Please be kind to yourself. And remember, you made the decision you made out of love for yourself and the good of your family. Your hormones are going to mess with you for a while now. You won’t feel like this forever. Hugs.


My in-laws couldn’t get over how abusive she was to her players when they had the opportunity to sit near her bench one game. All respect was lost after that game.

I’ve been asked that question by a mother dropping her child off at my son’s BD party at our house. I didn’t find it weird at all. Actually, it gave me hope that more people are starting to pay attention.

I worked a job as a triage nurse and one day received a call from a frantic man in a large city in the next state over. He and his wife lived in my town, and their baby had been diagnosed with a non-viable condition. They had to go 120 miles away to a strange city in which to have the procedure. Then, while there (it

I did a temp job at a Catholic hospital and had an orientation day for all new employees. Swear to God, if I had had a blindfold on, I would’ve thought I was sitting in a church service. They even hauled a priest in to pray over all of us. When we returned after lunch, the next speaker opened with “Now, I know we’ve

Is this the only way we’re going to get to see all (or almost all) female casts on the big screen? By refurbishing movies which were first made with all male casts? Can we get any original content featuring women in all of their badassary. Frustrating that these women have to settle for afterthoughts and leftovers in


This is really hard to believe. I mean, I believe the stats, but I’ve been doing medical record reviews for the past 4 months and holy crap, were there a lot of teen moms. Also, tons of young moms with multiple pregnancies, single, unemployed, welfare etc. Really disheartening. And way more anti-vaxxers than I

Looking at that pile of tusks is horrifying. Haunting. That’s enough internet for me tonight.

My sister had a double mastectomy at the age of 38, with reconstruction. 5 years out now, she says she wishes she hadn’t bothered with the reconstruction. It was way more painful than the mastectomy itself, and she didn’t wind up with cute, perky breasts like you get during an augmentation or reduction. The surgeons

When I first heard the story I thought, “How tragic.” After looking around on Facebook for awhile, it’s hard to see any huge losses here. Maybe the little ones will even have a chance for a decent life now?

Yup. You can kind of hear the banjos, can’t you?