
Well la-di-fucking-dah, mister fancy pants Tesla owner. Ohhh your Tesla can do something new this week? You don’t say. That’s real impressive. I’m really real impressed with your whizbang techmobile. Don’t mind me, I’m just installing an update to my own security system...

Engine swaps would be more entertaining if you actually swapped engines with the donor vehicle. LS swapped Miata? Better see that 4 banger in the Corvette. Hellcat swap a Prius? Put that hybrid tech into the Challenger. 

Fuck Turkey in the ear. They aren’t an ally.

Does your face?

He’s clearly an idiode.

Ampere I was waiting to see him awake with a jolt.
Maybe he just doesn’t have the mental capacitor to see how dangerous this is.
Ohm my god it just gets me solenoid when people are this reckless, I’ll have to relay this to anyone I know who owns a Tesla.

They should just drive with the current traffic flow.

Yes, it happens when you’re 4 or 5, but comes back when you’re 44 or 45 and older.

Being a Russian ship, I expect we’ll have dash cam footage soon.

He seems like he knows what he's talking about and is confident. You think being smart is arrogant?

American drivers aren’t ready for this. We don’t have the strict licensing rules the Germans do.

If this happens, they’ll need to introduce a massive re-education campaign. American drivers don’t have the same discipline (and courtesy) that German drivers do.

I bet the pilots were giddily requesting their ground speed readout from ATC, only to be one-upped by some asshole in an SR-71. 

Lighten up Francis, leaving a dog unattended in a climate-controlled environment is not “shitty”. The dog is comfortable, it’s no more shitty than leaving the dog at home, less so actually. I’ll speak for my dog and say she would prefer to come with me and chill (literally) for a minute while I run in the store than

Which is most people, frankly. 

Man I love the way this looks 

I guess they should just only make Camrys and Corrollas from now on because you don’t like it.

That’s not really a defense. They know what they’re doing, and there are still cars capable of fitting in most “compact” spots, such as Honda Civics, Corollas, etc, that don’t stick out six feet past the end of the spot.

The caption says “Cool”, but it looks like he’s saying “Wood”