Jason Johnson, our political editor at The Root and an in-real-life close and personal friend of mine, wrote this…
Jason Johnson, our political editor at The Root and an in-real-life close and personal friend of mine, wrote this…
2015/2016: Hollywood/Oscars so white!
Seems like the place to put this:
Pre-post disclosure: I identify as a Centrist, and have consistently voted Democrat (with exception for a few local offices, as I really do try to look at candidates rather than party affiliation—and every now and again, the Republican candidate was the better option) since 2000. I lean Left, despite my attempts to…
Why is it always absolutes with these dingle dicks? There is a mile-wide line between not wanting you to parade around glorifying one of the most horrific groups of people to ever walk the Earth and OMG THEY’RE ERASING HISTORY!!!
This just proves that is the worst possible response.
Ill be sure to try this tomorrow when i get my switch, not today though because apparently ups are GIANT PUSSIES who cant be bothered to make sunday deliveries*
“the live sports I need to.” Profiles in Courage
If you’re so firmly conservative that your mind goes immediately to “ESPN’s liberal agenda is killing them!”, you are likely a strong supporter of Fox News. If you have Fox News, you have cable. And if you have cable...you’re paying ESPN like $80 a year even if you never touch the channel.
Obviously the newly out of work sissy liberal sports reporters can get real jobs as coal miners in our refreshed coal mining industry!
If the creative people with whom Anita Sarkeesian meets have so little conviction in their work that they wilt to her whims the moment she talks about what she values in the depiction of women in games, that’s on them, no?
Your position might make sense were the issue to be in the original text. But it isn’t, you are upset they didn’t like your joke. Part of translation, if your intention is absolute accuracy, is to represent the original content as accurately as possible in the new language. In this case an accurate translation would…
I’m not scared of Pewdiepie, I appreciate what he represents and am fascinated by YouTube in general, which is why I report on it. That said, as much as I like some of his videos, couldn’t some of your criticisms of old-school media apply to him/YouTubers as well? “grabbing onto any story they can to stay relevant”…
I’m going to go out on a limb here and just say I’m confident a 30 times Pulitzer prize winning publication is not losing sleep over kids with webcams.
Do you know why I remain a Patriots fan Drew? Because of my father. I lived in Maine my entire childhood and teenage years. I remember the shit years, the years where Velcro on the gloves wouldn’t have helped the receivers make catches. For years we were the butts of the NFL. Then suddenly Mo Lewis knocks out Bledsoe…