
THEORY: Sansa kills Ramsay, blames Theon, but Roose sees through the ploy. She begs for mercy, points to Walda and says she will marry Roose's son when he comes of age. Roose walks to Walda, says he can't wait that long, and slits her throat. He then tells Sansa that she will have to marry *him*.

For Breaking Bad fans, it’s an A-.

There wasn't a "newbie review" at the time this review was published though.

Wrong about what? I got spoiled because there is no contingency for someone who isn't reading from top to bottom. The fact that there's a spoiler warning a few lines above means nothing if I don't see it.


Because I didn't know it was a spoiler section? Enlighten me. If you were using the find-feature, how would you find out which was the spoiler section? Hell, how would you know there was a spoiler section at all?

You're absolutely right. I was spoiled Robb and Joffrey's deaths. I was spoiled that Sam killed a White Walker. I was spoiled Cat's revival. Sansa's genetics. Jon's "predicament" in the last book. And of course, Tywin's death as well.

I didn't know it was a spoiler section until it was too late.

Again, it doesn't account for scrollers like myself. Lots of people avoid reading from top-to-bottom anymore. The polite thing to do is to highlight them. Like that, the Find-feature would have found the word "Tywin" amongst blacked out text, and I would have avoided reading it.

This review is for people who have read the first 3 books like myself. I was waiting until Season 5 to read Books 4 and 5.

So I just used the "Find" feature to find out what you said about Tywin, and sure enough, you spoiled a really important plot point. Why would you do that? I get that there is a disclaimer at the top, but it doesn't account for people who are scrolling. You should highlight the spoilers like most people do, or better

IN THE LOOP reference???? Holy sh*t I thought I was the only one who watched that movie. My favorite comedy of all time.

They once had Asian circus acrobats running around killing people.

You know this wasn't NYC right?

This show is brilliant. Shame on you guys for badmouthing it.

I've never liked fart jokes. I think they are stupid and unfunny. I've actually enjoyed the last few episodes, but this one was just really bad.