
Couldn’t be bothered to read the post, I see. 

Hnnnnnnnnnnnng that’s hooooootttttttt


The long-foretold Bowling Green Massacre! 

How about a van with a fiberglass body sitting on a wood frame?

Probably more of a “- Johnson! We’re meeting the client in two days and we don’t have one idea worth a damn! - How about a pool, sir? That says luxury all day long. And then some women, of course! - Johnson? You’re a god damn genius!” kind of situation.

He french fried when he should have pizza’d.

Again... The raptor is not a stadium truck. It's a street legal mid travel. Treat it like a long travel... You're going to have a bad time.

Is it that? Or do you just say dumb things sometimes?

“I’ll spend every day in this chair working to earn the trust, enthusiasm and respect you have for this publication.”

Saw the headline, assumed you were leaving.

Anyone brought up Alliance yet?

Question answered, shut down thread, when this turns into the slide show, all slides should show the Yugo.

The Fiat Multipla:

I am going to vote for the Renault Fuego

LeCar. If only for the terrible name.

Sold in the US? Can there really be any question?

As a Missourian, at least we aren’t Mississippi.

On a larf I decided to check out the reviews. Best one I saw was “not impressed with this guy.”

That first review was perfect. No notes.