
If I got one of those I’d want to Triad another wheel on the back.

Sometimes the only winning move is not to play the game. 

I already have two boobs on my chest.

Let some other idiot eat the depreciation. 

Can we get images that actually embiggen so we can read the print? Mainly for the first 4 shirts.

Really? This car is nearly 25 years old with 200k on the odo. I think anything over $1.5k is robbery.

If buying this thing doesn’t say “emotional,” I don’t know what does.

Absolutely not. We can even give it diving ability!


Fastback Utility Coupe (FUC)

If history is any indication, first we have to eradicate white supremacy and THEN have those same people build the cars for us, which we will then buy out of a paternalistic and conflicted sense of victors’ guilt that’s like the opposite of Schadenfreude.

Rally all the Miatas!

You’re not from the US/Mexico border, are you.

Well those typically already have high miles on them already..

Steer with your knee so you can ash your cigar out the window without spilling your Tom Collins

False. However you sit on the living room couch that was a Cadillac from the 80's is the best way to sit. Spinal support be damned.

Bet you loved it when Brown 5 played halftime at the superbowl


Show us on this doll where the blog touched you. 

I would say that vaping is an upgrade. Before if you wanted your Ferrari to smoke it needed to be on fire.