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The story really could have used a LOT more sarcasm because there’s no way to look at this thing and think it’s ok. And after seeing that video of the tree snake coming out from under the hood of an Aussie couple’s car, I don’t know why anyone in Australia would consider a vehicle missing any window safe... yeah, I

Glad you’ve had great experiences with the Hyundai’s, but from reading some of the forums, the build quality seems hit or miss.  And honestly, any time I see one that’s a couple of years old they don’t seem to wear well.  I want to like them, but any time I’ve put deep thought into it, just going to the dealership

Yeah, but you’ll have to drive a Hyundai or Genesis.  And I’ll happily admit that the Genesis vehicles do look sharp... but I’m not so sure I’ll be wandering in to buy one just because of the physical buttons.

The Hutch was part of my learner’s permit driving. Later my father made me drive the Saw Mill which makes the Hutch look like a nice country drive. Then it was a “go pick up your grandmother from Brooklyn” solo drive. Got confused by the signage and pulled off in Harlem after dark for directions, this was back in the

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They’re kinda old, but the Trunk Monkey videos are always a gas.

I googled the BT-21 and at most it had 4 switches, plus the big, red one labeled FIRE. One that sold on BAT had a battery cut off, fuel pump, ignition and rear mounted LED switches.

Thanks, I figured that kind of had to be the deal.  Oddly the AS21 (2% aluminum, 1% silicon) are more robust than the AS41 cases, but because they’re more robust, they’re harder to work and thus more expensive so VW didn’t switch to these for their cases.  I would like to think that these Porsche cases are the AS21

Looking at some of the owner forums and it seems replacing that motor with a small block Ford is the way to go... some nutcase stuffed a high output V8 in his and noted 450 hp at the wheels. They all seem to agree that if you’re playing with the motor, dump the Cologne and replace it with a SBF.

Original cases are called AS41, it’s a magnesium alloy that’s 4% Aluminum and 1% Silicon. So mostly magnesium, but the alloy is stronger than pure magnesium. As for replacement cases, they’re still made of AS41 in Brazil but you can get aluminum cases. Now, why you would want to build a new VW motor with a heavier

Never mind the welding, that’s just if the case is cracked. If it’s stretched in any way you, usually at the crank, get too much crank movement (from front to back, or thrust) which the VW crowd used to ‘fix’ by line boring the case. This increases the size of the bearing surfaces so you use larger bearings.

And the Gibson guitar.

I replied on one of your tweets, I found all of the WSDOT cams on Windy and they let you look at history on those on a nice map overlay. You can check the routes from where the car was ganked to where it was spotted and maybe figure out where it is/was going.

We just need a better system than we have now to get your license, something more like what Germany does.

The actual coolest car is the car that starts and drives every time you turn the key. Most of your friends haven’t been working 3 jobs and socking money away so your car will be the cool car no matter what it is. No land yachts either. Get a van, shag carpet the interior, tell everyone the carpet prevents your buddy’s

From our fraternity’s faculty advisor (name and school shall not be shared):

Nah, start cheaper. Short dirt track with a go-kart. You get the same feelings in a tiny car-like kart and you can apply them to the bigger car. But when you misjudge a corner or a slide and slam face first into an unmovable object (like a tree), it’s much easier to fix any damage, and cheaper. And that would

Go watch it a few times from the very beginning. The SUV must have run a red heading down the street immediately behind them. A white wagon or CUV was going through the intersection with a green light perpendicular to the direction of the SUV and tags it in the rear which causes it to slide into frame and almost

So you’ve never spilled oil in a tight engine bay? Good job sport. Your comment makes you sound like such a fun person. Have a nice day and try to be less of a cunt.

My last 3 VW’s have the fill opening on top of the motor, but in the back toward the firewall.  Unlike the picture at the top, you have no space to have the bottom of the bottle much lower than the opening the oil goes in.  I usually just put a rag down to catch the oil.  This wasn’t much of an issue when I used to

They kinda mention some of the ‘missteps’, but they’re not going to dedicate an entire episode to Ferrari screwing themselves out of points for fear of the team telling them ‘no’ in the future. But in all honesty, if they HAD made an entire episode of Ferrari screwing themselves out of points, it probably would have