
This is Amesbury, MA we’re talking about. Not NYC or Boston. The cops telling the guy, “Dude, we’re almost done, chill.” should have covered this entire saga. No, the dude comes back to continue to yell at the police, who were there for a legitimate reason and they asked him to chill again.

Nope, just read a story on it and it’s oil... hand sanitizer would just make you colder as it evaporated.

See, that would be ok, but no.  When I put new bulbs in them I shook the whole thing around and realized I could move it to another part of the light where you couldn’t see it as well.  It’s at least polite enough to stay put regardless of how hard you drive.

Yeah, that stuff is evil.  I watched some videos of people trying to modify their headlights to make them look different and you really need to cook them to get that sealant to let go.  After watching one of them I just decided the spider can stay.  A coworker suggested I just replace the whole light, so I pulled that

Well it is now, maybe back in 2015 it was alive for a short while though...

See, that’s a good example of an actual individual choice. This dude made a choice,

DA-YAM!  Flat out skipped right over trying to Rick-Roll these clowns and went straight to Canadian gay metal.  Cheers!  The only logical next step is a flat bed truck loaded with oiled up dancers and stacks of speakers blaring the music.

I was about to say that’s a decent price for a T1, but it looks like the prices are finally becoming more normal. Only the really rare and well restored T1's are going for more than $50k these days.

No worries, I’m in CT and I’ve known people who’ve gone to jail for their nth DUI. Not sure how anyone can be that thick and selfish or how any of their friends or family don’t just step up and do something about it.

Went to pick up a 2010 Jetta TDI, walk through the door and the service manager has the inner, driver’s side door skin removed. He’s on his knees with a bunch of tools. Sales guy runs up and starts apologizing up and down. Apparently, they didn’t have the correct inner door skin (card?) and used whatever they had on

Any type of armor all (makes plastic shiny!) stuff should also work. And for the locking mechanism that keeps the door shut, we’ve been using a can of teflon spray lubricant that I picked up many, many moons ago.  It’s like an everlasting can of slippery, toxic spray.

Yeah, that was kinda tragic...

Now playing

I kinda thought we were all in agreement that last year’s Bruce Springsteen Jeep ad won the polished turd award for Super Bowl car commercials?

Maybe for a regular license, but not for a CDL driver.  Legal limit is 0.0 in a truck.

When I used to sail, we used sealed end rivets to prevent leaking.  And just because you never want to have to upend a sailboat with a water filled mast, we would put a marine sealant into the hole, put the sealed rivet into it and then seal it when done.  Never had an issue with those other than trying to remove them

When I lived in Norwalk, CT I saw some entitled person park their non-handicapped ass in a handicapped spot at the local Wal-Mart. Probably didn’t help that it was a brand new Mercedes wagon. Norwalk PD blocks the car in and then proceeds to publicly shame the driver for a good 15 minutes. No ticket was issued, he

So much this. My wife had to have a pretty, new SUV with AWD, great, no big deal. Then she complains that the windshield washer fluid is out. Um, you drove a total of 10 miles last week, WTF? “I can’t reach the whole windshield with the ice scraper, so I just used the heated windshield washer jets!”

I was wondering if they just left the graphics on the car as it was when Vettel last drove it or they updated the graphics. A quick look at the car and they have indeed updated the graphics a bit since the nose has the Honda insignia on it and no Renault markings even though the motor is definitely not a Honda.

Fantastic indeed! Found a story about it... sounds like a massive labour of love. Most conversions don’t go nearly this far though. Especially mounting the split window shell onto a T3 and having to widen the original T1 by 21 cm and then make a carbon roof.  Dude must be loaded because all of the custom stuff loaded

Oh that sounds like a decent scenario where the dust ends up going places you REALLY don’t want it to because you think you’re in the clear.