Has to be the Herkimer Battle Jitney!
Has to be the Herkimer Battle Jitney!
Yeah, that tracks. My wife had a 2000 LS1 that wouldn’t die. Little things started to make it unpleasant to drive, like the heater core springing a leak and filling the passenger footwell with glycol. No new parts available so I had to use Bar’s Leak. Then it blew up the AC compressor... it didn’t just stop working,…
Harney & Sons used to be there..., but now they’re in Millerton, NY. Oh, I see, it’s one of the hamlets of Salisbury. Like Gaylordsville in New Milford... which is where that road starts to get fun. And 7 doesn’t stop being fun for quite a long way, honestly it’s a nice road to go for a drive on or wait until it’s…
What’s kind of amusing about the Captain Rex helmet thing is that those Stormtrooper helmets, in the Star Wars Universe anyway, have a built in respirator function including supplied air. So if one were to properly engineer it, you could turn one of those Captain Rex helmets into a PAPR, or Powered Air Purifying…
Kinda what I was thinking... if you were going to buy a 911 and saved $200k for a new one... a slightly used 911 in that price range may get you more than you would have been able to purchase new. And it’s not like 911 owners are known to treat their cars like 5 year old Kia’s either, the damn thing will practically…
And while the defense might try to spin it that way, since the driver and his family are the ones with the blame to deal with and the money to take, the prosecution could also charge the passenger as an accessory and roll him as a witness. If that’s a work truck then throw the business into the fray and take from…
Just wash your hands after handling any of the onions. To stay period correct I recommend using fresh bovine urine.
Regardless of how many people are in your group, you could have the entire group go with wireless, noise cancelling ear buds and a Zoom meeting (or any other meeting app). I didn’t have to do it with a mask on, but I have a yearly site visit from an auditor that we did over Zoom and the area is noisy as hell. I got…
The last major occurrence was 1991 with Mt. Pinatubo. Also makes for some amazing sunsets.
Something like that, but the current life on Earth isn’t as fragile. A 2 C temperature drop isn’t going to kill off too much these days.
My cat goes between “ewww... stinky” to “must kill it”. Stinky phase is noticeable since the cat stays away from them... killer phase is only discovered when we start finding them everywhere... belly up with a single puncture wound to the chest.
I’m not suggesting Native tribes blackmail a corporation, and the Native tribes aren’t asking for money, I’m suggesting a corporation that’s using a Native tribe’s name cough up some dough to help out the native peoples that our government has marginalized and abused. Maybe form a beneficial partnership, one gets to…
While the CO2 emissions are actually kind of bad, if we do get enough of these things to pop off then they’ll put a significant amount of volcanic ash into the sky which will block some sunlight and drop the temperature down a couple of degrees.
Apparently, bullets are made of lead, not magnesium, and the top 5 exporters of lead are Australia, South Korea, UK, Canada and Germany.
Or maybe Jeep could perhaps see how many suitcases of money it would take to get them on board. I know nothing of how the Cherokee Nation is currently, but there are plenty of Native Peoples that could use some serious help on their reservations.
Pretty sure that needs a NSFW tag buddy...
My father passed away so my brother and I agreed that while neither of us wanted his almost new Ford Fusion hybrid, it would make a great first car for my niece. Done, title transferred to out of State. I went to the DMV and took over the vanity plate he had and returned my plate (same day) to the DMV.
After that I put anti seize on them and check post install. But Did get them all off without issues.
Had one place tighten them so much that when I went to take a wheel off I was bouncing on my 2 foot breaker bar and it wouldn’t budge and I do not run marathons so we were easily north of 400 foot pounds.