Why isn’t “Work from home” an option here? Pandemic sort of made that more accessible to many people.
Why isn’t “Work from home” an option here? Pandemic sort of made that more accessible to many people.
They had to be joking right? No way anyone who’s smart enough to know how to format text in Kinja can be dumb enough to fall for the Fuel Shart baloney?
You sort of need to assume ‘crazy, methed up white dude’ when you run across a person who jumped off a 40 foot bridge into a river with a strong current that’s in Louisiana, which is known gator country.
You would think it could handle it, but maybe it can only take the abuse for a certain amount of miles. Could also be that in a low gear it’s transferring too much torque through the system. Don’t know the exact failure points, but it happens. I was honestly shocked when the driver told me.
As noted by others, multiple compartments are usually involved, plus baffles to prevent excessive sloshing. Some exceptions to that though, milk and waste tankers won’t have multiple compartments OR baffles as it makes decontamination a real pain.
They probably designed a single battery pack to be used on the car with two motors and never considered what would happen when you only had 1 motor. If this car had the two motor setup, there probably wouldn’t have been enough space for the road debris to hit that fitting. See, no problem...
Like buckfiddious notes, it focuses on the UK where the majority of the F1 teams are based. 6 of the 10 teams are based in the UK, but even those not entirely based in the UK still have some operations based there, at least HAAS has some operations based there. But the bulk of suppliers and even engineers focusing on…
I ride the rumble strip twice instead of honking. It’s loud enough that I know you heard it. If you’re still camping in the left lane then I’m going to pass you on the right and I’m going to do so quickly. If you decide to be an even bigger dick after that then that’s on you because I’ll happily haul ass until we…
Well, there may not be many options for ‘privileged learning’, I mean private schools, in that area. You can’t have your kids mixing with ‘the poors’ (non-white and poor white) and all.
My mother had a K car with that in it. I think we rebuilt the motor twice and the second time it lasted about 50 miles before it lunched itself. The car around it was nice enough... probably because you couldn’t drive the fucking thing anywhere to mess up the paint or interior.
It would probably be fun in a go kart too, but anything with any sort of weight to it will over tax the tiny, anemic engine.
I don’t have that big of a yard... but imagine the goofy stuff you could do if you had a micro excavator! The side of my yard has a 45 degree hill that I loathe mowing and would love to turn into a tiered garden.
That’s not a typical ‘Mercedes-Benz driver’ you see there. That model was produced from 1996-2002. Living in CT I can tell you that these just keep getting sold used until they’re almost completely worn out. Then you see them showing up at Home Depot with someone loading lumber on the roof.
Totally agree. A friend has the same Mazda and while it looked great when new, they don’t age nearly as well as their VW counterparts. The EA888 motor in the GTI’s don’t have the issues that previous GTI’s were known to encounter and it will hold its value over time way better than a Mazda.
My worst experience was with an early 80's 4th gen Toyota longbed pickup with the NA 4 cylinder diesel in it. It was a hand me down from my father. Sure, this thing got amazing mileage, but power was not something this pickup had ANY of.
Meh... plant a tree and move on. If you’re into serious dark comedy, plant the trees in planters made from the tires of the wrecked car.
Something like this happened in my hometown when I was a kid. The Klan decided they wanted to throw a rally or march which the town was required to allow them to do (Free Speech y’all). Police were there to ‘keep things orderly’ but when the locals (mostly white people in a small New England town) started going after…
Having done something similar... and having the local police knock on the moisture covered windows is also kinda embarrassing...
Make it your new normal and you might get a job... but not with that attitude.
Who cares about the shifter... who pumps the brakes twice after starting the car... then mashes down the brakes and zooms away? No one, that’s who.