As Jonnyma45 points out, they’re expensive to buy and since they’re really light, they tend to suffer from damage much easier so you either repair or replace them more frequently.
As Jonnyma45 points out, they’re expensive to buy and since they’re really light, they tend to suffer from damage much easier so you either repair or replace them more frequently.
Pretty sure the time racing against Rosberg made both Lewis and Nico sound like a couple of cunts. As you point out, Lewis has definitely matured. But you didn’t cover enough in the write up about what really made him stand out so much in this race.
Please send your requests to the office of NY AG Letitia James and Manhattan’s AG Cy Vance. I believe those two will be handling the bulk of what you’re looking for.
Yeah, I just don’t get it... maybe I was raised wrong or something. If I said offensive things, like calling someone a name (like dummy or dope), hell was rained down upon my ass by my parents in some form or another (think fresh bar of Ivory soap with your entire dental imprint on it).
Well, also like Tom pointed out, some metallics are expensive. I painted my 72 Bug Viper Green Metallic (like the Porsche pictured) and just paint and clear coat, not labor, just paint, was $1,000. Anything larger than a Bug, which is anything other than a Smart Car, will cost more. Especially if labor is factored…
They’re still a bit pricey for now... A small UV-C source will run you $700. Got one for work to clean sensitive equipment. Then you need to figure out what exposure time is needed given your source’s output at a given distance. That’s not an easy solution for your average home where bleach or alcohol wipes will…
Dunno, the track is still slick as hell... no one has had much grip all weekend and that rain didn’t help. I’ll go out on a limb here and predict safety car comes out before the first lap is over.
Wow... you think it’ll just be drunk undergrads blowing them up? If the government handed out autoclaves to every home in America tomorrow they’d kill more people than the virus in short order.
Money goes to charity and I’m only paying if they open the doors with his face.
Follow up article on Jezebel, “Can the new Ford Bronco Smash?”
Oooohhh, that looks like it’ll feel very comfortable on your lower spine! Sign me up...
I’m not sure they exactly nailed it down, but probably on the packaging, not the actual food. The scariest part of it is that it was frozen food. Meaning the virus survived being in a freezer for however long and then infected an entire household.
Gotcha. Why would you even politicize basic healthcare... shoot... totally almost started to think like a reasonable human who might care about the safety and well being of my fellow man... what the hell was I thinking...
Not really, there are a few scenarios where this is easily possible.
There’s definitely things the President could do about it. Now, no one is saying they might be Constitutionally legal... and since that shit doesn’t seem to bother him much, he totally could have gone full steam ahead and had a Presidential Mandate and made Melty Mitch run around and tell all the other boot lickers to…
Yeah it does stink... but how horrible of a human do you have to be to see what happened to that kid and still protect whomever did it? If I knew you did that to any child, I wouldn’t care who you were... you might get turned in at the Emergency Room if I was in a good mood.
Maybe that scaffolding is for bleachers so we can all go and watch Agent Orange get dragged out on January 20th?
I have done this exact thing. It’s not often I get the chance because 1) people are embarrassed and 2) they usually have calculated that whole thing out to the last nickel. But if I look over and you’re under my threshold for pain today (varies week to week) I’ve got it, have a nice day. You can even have a free hug…
I had neighbors who started blowing off fireworks when our state was called for Biden, then again on Saturday night same thing, more fireworks. They’re not legal here so someone went for at least a 2 hour drive to get themselves ready for a celebration. Honestly thought about doing the exact same thing myself.