Mumen Rider

I disagree with you about the narrative presented in Wildlands, but the games writing isn’t strong enough for me to waste much time defending it. I don’t think it’s jingoistic, but it also isn’t any good, which is a missed opportunity considering they made the decision to engage a topic as shameful as the War on Drugs.

I thought by “proper” she meant “effective” as in “a way that communicates your message without alienating everyone around you and causing them to think that you’re a bad person with bad ideas.” But then you came back screaming about how no one has the right to lecture you and calling people jackasses, so I can only

I mean, it’s a story about immortal zombies beating up ‘orrible monsters in a doomed attempt to stall some sort of nebulous dark entropy that might or might not be preferable to the unending suffering and agony and violence that is virtually all of existence. It’s a little nonsense.

To a point. Would you rather watch Edge of Tomorrow again or watch the live-action Attack on Titan?