There it is. You fucking nailed the breastaurant experience.
I think she will. Hopefully via an exploration of her feats during the war with the Klingons, etc. She is already a wonderful member of the cast. I think her time to shine is coming.
Agree. I just saw one in the real world and I kind of love them. At least it is not a jellybean crossover ute.
They are amazingly affordable on the used market.
Dope. I drive a V60 sport sedan and freaking love that quirky little Swede. Plus you really don’t see many of them in Texas.
Can confirm. Drove my 85 Mustang through that baby no problem. I have a pic somewhere. It is standard film tho so not very accessible. This was in ‘98 or so.
LMFAO! No because they are almost ALWAYS rock hard Pilot P1's that are shit wearing tires with an overly hard compound conducive to kidney failure. Jesus. Is this just an ad or what? Pilots SUCK loud and sloppily.
This is the worst tip imaginable.
That is CLEARLY Lea Seydoux in the chain mail after Irulan and Emporor.
I did. It was garish and terrible all at the same time.
Put it in my fucking veins. My body is READY!
AHAHAHA. You got me there for sure. I would have said “ See small children without running them over first. “
Dude, I live in Texas. If there is anyone who sees a lot of pick em ups, it is me.
Exactly. How is it surprising? It is the least surprising thing I think I have read today.
Shut the fuck up you fucking tool. Take your GOP gun club bullshit somewhere the fuck else.
There is a reason they don’t cater to the smallest segment of sale bruh.....
Neither will their fat asses.
Overland rigs that are all for show are my latest buggaboo that is a distant 3rd behind brodozers being 1 and coal rollers being 2.
Jesus. These articles are beyond pathetic. The only way they could be worse is if they were a slideshow. DO better Ethan. So far you suuuuuuuuuuuck.....