
Distinction without a difference. I have no real grudge against Nintendo. The NES was my second system after the 2600. I have owned their systems up until the cube, when it seemed they were going all in on handhelds and in a general Pokémon malaise that lost my interest.

95% of Nintendo games are locked in their own little walled garden, never to be seen by anyone that does not own a Nintendo console. That is what I was getting at chief.


Exactly. IN laws had a diesel beetle and it freaking hauled ass and had ridiculous “HD truck levels of” torque. It also got like 45 MPG. It was not a bad car, handled well, etc. If that is a chicks car, maybe I need to sit when I piss.

They always have been. I just choose not to pontificate as if they have not been happening and only started happening now that PS is inconvenienced. 

Or weird HD truck guys, but who cares what those bigots think. 

It sucks, but let’s not act like Sony hasn’t been doing this shit for decades, let-fucking-alone Nintendo. Their walled garden is epic in scale and staleness....

LOL twist it how you want. See my comment upthread.

Agree wholeheartedly. It is just amazing the amount of coverage it get’s now that it is the PS pissbabies being inconvenienced. They treat it like a war crime, when xbox mains have been living this life for decades. 

Not on PS because their network sucks. Xbox it works like a champ.’re disrupting their attempt at a narrative....

I felt the same way about GTA, Spiderman and FF for quite a while.......weird that it is only a thing now that it is happening to PlayStation?!?!

How is this a thing now, but hadn’t been for the past 20 years Sony AND Nintendo has been doing this shit?!?!?!?!?! The fucking hypocrisy is absolutely mind numbing.

Think of it like US Navy / Coastie rank. Bet that Ortegas is a LTJG or LT and that it is based on which side the little stripe is on. I think, while CAPT. Pike is really a CDR, and Una is a LCDR. Have to look more closely at Batel. Was he the dude that originally sponsored her Starfleet application and was on Spock’s

Keep going......

Exactly. I a cis male have no problem. Call me that or whatever. Twitler is a sad little shitlord thrashing about post divorce. 


Yup. Current V60 T6 owner that is absolutely in love with my surprisingly not quirky Swede. 

OOOOOOF. Delete this....

If you care about frame rates buy a gaming rig. Most of us REALLY don’t.