
Yes, actually, it's starting to get up there with League and Dota due to its eSports scene. I have them followed on Twitter (I just wanted the free skin that came along with that) and they mentioned something about being in the running for best new MOBA.

You can see a large distance when zoomed out. But idk. For me, i can't play with the camera locked. But i'm a jungler so

I got use to League's camera over time, but I agree with you. I've always felt that the camera wants to scroll back just a LITTLE bit further than it can, not much, but a little. My view has always felt very restricted.

I disagree with you completely about Smite not being a MOBA. It's a Massive Online Battle Arena. There are no ways to deny that. It's an arena, where people battle using skills spells and whatever, not a pew pew you are dead. It's a strategy game, some modes have the exact same style as LoL. Just because it looks more

Have you really even tried the game? your judging based on assumptions instead of actually playing the game for yourself.

There actually is a grain of truth to this. While it's far from a death sentence, Riot has actually put out that the bottom side was winning over the top side by a small but notable amount. I want to say it was like a 5% difference, but I"m not sure.

Uhh, the camera angle is part of the game balance and visual style. It's to restrict your view distance. Also, clicking on units while in a low profile view would be hell. And the fog of war effect would look silly, with people popping in and out of view at a first person angle, the effect only works nice due to the

Smite does this.