Nefarious Nautilus

Heh. I saw it as more of a darkly gleeful "come at me, bitch, can't hurt me", but I'm sure he's happy to be a part of this new family, as well.

Heh on the Kala and Rajan dilemma. I was in a similar situation in college, where the guy had similar interests as me and was pretty dang attractive, but I just felt no desire towards him whatsoever. The hot fraternity guy on the rowing team that I was coxswain for, however…

Hehehehehehe. Our Wolfie does have a pretty awesome smoulder. Plus, I bet it's hard for Kala to actually suss out her actual feelings for Rajan, because she feels pressured to like him by pretty much everyone in her life.

It also makes it a bit more difficult (and thus more interesting) than usual, because generally the subject of the arranged marriage is either just terrible, or outright evil. Rajan actually tries to listen to her feelings and is, from what we've seen, a genuinely kind person. Plus it's interesting that Kala and

Oh, I totally do, but different strokes and all that.

Dude, I never saw him as a teenager, but DAYUM he is fine. Of course, all of my Encounters of the Scantily Clad Kind have been with a bearded man, so I might be biased.

It makes sense. There are so many iterations, and they can't have too many, too close together, or else it feels like they're trying to check all the meetings off a list. Plus they don't automatically know each other exist; they subconsciously visit each other when they're going through similar experiences or having

Eh, the Wachowskis are many things, but they have never claimed, or tried, to be subtle. I'm rolling with it. As long as they do cool shit with it, which they have done and will hopefully continue to do in the future, I'm there.

I have found that watching shows with subtitles helps a lot. I don't always turn them on, but for this one, I couldn't understand some of the dialogue, and it's been really nice. Plus they tell you what songs are playing :)

Hah, RIGHT? Like, A) they don't know she's doing it, and B) HOLY CLOSETED ACTOR, BATMAN! I did like that it showed her getting herself off, though. Masturbation is so rarely shown, and even less for women. Also it makes total sense that two ridiculously gorgeous men getting it on in front of her would make her hot.

God this show is awesome. Yeah, I get that the violence shouldn't be a universal problem solver, but damn if I can't watch everybody being badass all day long, each in their own special way. Like, I know Sun was a bit of a martial arts badass stereotype, but I loved her scenes so much. And she isn't one-dimensional,

The fucking docking scene in fucking Interstellar? Fucking no. That shit was stupid as hell, and completely out of place. Generic action scene in something that's trying to be a space opera. NO. Go away, flyboy Matthew McConaughey.

I understand that romance subplots can reduce characters and get annoying. I was not a fan of My Fair Lady for this reason (also Henry Higgins is an unrepentant jerkass). However, so long as it's developed well and is organic for the characters, I'm all for it. It's also better that this is a show, and not a movie,

AMEN. His voice alone could turn raw cacao into deep, dark chocolatey goodness.

I'm so happy this show is actually good. The pilot was pretty cringeworthy except for Gillan and Cho, but it seems like it's really come into its own.