
Yes, I've been having the same problem the last few days. Of course, I'm mostly on here via the mobile site so I just assumed that was the problem. Their mobile sites are always janky and it never gets resolved. I can click on the notifications icon at the top of the main page or on an article page and it will show

i noticed the same thing. love the saturated colors, hate the loss of detail. why did they make it darker? can color not be fixed without darkening?

Ivanhoe, as acted out by kids and a dog - best episode!

Wow, you just took me straight from one of my kids' favorite show to my favorite mayhem-and-killing videogame (BF3). Thomas's connections to murder are all over once you start looking. :)

Yes, and you could do more than hear Ringo Starr and George Carlin narrate - in addition to being the narrator during their respective times of employment they were also the Station Manager. They wore the uniform and talked to the other people who hung out at Shining Time. I was an older kid when the show came out but

You are living my dream. :)

Yes! My Chinese m-i-l taught me how to make shrimp and chicken fried rice in the rice cooker. You can make all kinds of stuff-served-with rice dishes as long as you thaw the meat and cut up all the "fixins" in small cubes.

Ok, I've never even thought about putting the slow-cooker outside. I'm intrigued. But, don' t any of your neighbors have cats? Or do you live in a high-rise?

also pre-heats quickly because of the smaller size. a lot of the heat generated by ovens that makes your kitchen unbearable is from the long pre-heating time.

Pyrex is tempered glass, so it handles the microwave well. Be careful and don't chip the edges of your Pyrex pieces and you should be safe. The one thing to REALLY pay attention to is the size of the opening/top vs. the depth/volume of the dish. When cooking in the microwave, especially if you are boiling something,

Whole fried shrimp. It's not battered, but the shell, legs, tail, and head are left on. I was visiting my in-laws' country for the first time. Some of their friends hosted us all at a Very Fancy Restaurant. Courtesy is a very big thing, especially courtesy coming from an American who is not really expected to have it

That is correct!

Ah. As someone who is currently grinding on Katamari Forever, of all things, to replace a game file deleted by the offspring, I'd agree you have a valid concern.

I think I read that Plus's auto-download does not auto-install the updates so you should be safe. It's in the comments on the original Kotaku post about this, go nose around. Plenty of Plus folks were talking about it.

wikipedia will always be there for you.

I see you're still in the anger/resentment stage. Don't worry, someday you too will reach acceptance. In the meantime, perhaps this will help:

I think I may know what you mean. People's reactions to the RW remind me of my reaction to the ending of Cowboy Bebop, for which I was totally unspoilt and CB was my very first anime series ever. I just couldn't believe how unrelenting it all was. And then, pretty much immediately, I started saying "What is wrong with

Ohhhh, I laughed so hard!

Catelyn is like a mic drop in dead person form. I like the simple viciousness (toward the viewers) of it.

so far my favorites are "james rr martin" and everyone who keeps calling joffrey 'geoffrey'. i just need a gif of an evil-faced geoffrey the giraffe from toys'r'us sitting on the iron throne looking like a PAB.