
I don’t know if fish sauce is the best example. I’ve seen another comment on this article also talking about how fish sauce isn’t used for anything but Asian dishes. But, many many people making Asian dishes in America aren’t using fish sauce even for the recipes that call for it. And some Asian dishes don’t call for

There used to be a website where you could tune in to all kinds of police scanner channels around the U.S. and there were also printed transcripts. The best one I ever read was how an arguement over tacos turned into some kind of riot. I think there was attempted murder? It wasn’t even like we see today - people

waat?! Steve Zahn is also in Comanche Moon? I love Lonesome Dove and therefore have no interest in seeing anything else set in the same world, but I may now have to make an exception. Urban + Zahn is a powerful combo.

Just watched Jupiter Ascending last night for fun, fully aware of what I was getting into. Man, that was some fun crap. Also, there are like, half a dozen post-it note ideas in there that would each make a good movie.

“Also, I loved, loved, loved how she treated the cops like vampires, people who can be very inimical and must be invited in for them enter your home. She wins the Apt Metaphor of the Week award, as well.”

When the sea level rises, it will carry all the boats up with it.

oof. Yeah, that is definitely still here unfortunately. And I would try to block my memories too if they were like that. Do you like where you live now?

I agree about the too-many-handshakes. :(

Ah, New Stage! I had friends who did shows there. Do you remember the house with the wild animal mural? It’s still there. Don’t live in the city anymore (couldn’t afford it) but live in a nearby suburb and head into Jackson a few times a week for various things. 

Doesn’t WATER contain absolutely no calories at all? Also no protein, aminos, carbs, or fat? If coffee has to go, water should go first.

Try Kopiko cappuccino and espresso candies from Indonesia. Also good. You will probably favor the espresso candies, but the cappuccino ones are for your wrongheaded relatives you love despite their flaws.

I’m not much on pop culture references used a decor in my house but I would put BOTH of those up in a prominent place.

They use sweet tea concentrate. Like most others who need to make a whole bunch of tea at once.

I would not be surprised if it turned out to be an art or performance major doing it for a class project or to emphasize how quirky and unusual they are.

Did you really, though? ‘Cause you can’t even spell it right. ;)

I arrived at this article today, more than 3 years after it was first posted, because this is still a thing that Avast is doing. It is still opt-in, it is still not mentioned or shown anywhere - until you happen to see a message you already sent out you won’t know it’s happening.

What monster is cutting onions and bell peppers like that (header photo) though? Lock them up!

Also, the Express is trash. never link to them.

Changi has some of the best char siu bao I’ve tasted. Breakfast at the airport before a painfully early flight made it all better. 

I think Bambi’s Mom would have done better if it was called “Bambi’s Mom Has Got It Goin’ On”. Or possibly worse, if everybody hated that song.