Yeah, it's not like they grow on trees, right?
Yeah, it's not like they grow on trees, right?
All this social stuff is not for me, nor for many other gamers it seems from the comments. So...why are they pushing it so hard? Surely they've been doing focus groups and talking to people who are/have been game testers and, oh, all kinds of industry people. Is this Sony's gambit to steal all the casualgamers away…
I agree with the "hapiness set point" bit. You never give people jam today. always promise them jam tomorrow. Gives people something to hope for.
People are being so unsypathetic about this story getting away from poor Te'o. You know what, he should look up Anna Scott, she could understand his perspective. And she's just so down to earth and, like, real. I bet they'd totally click.
These will be replacing the based-on-a-sonogram baby shower cakes immediately. Sonogram cakes will be so last year.
There's a reason why that definition is headed by a "1", because there are other definitions for the word. One of the definitions is "pertaining to the title, as in, 'the titular hero of a play'". Try to read the whole thing next time.
time for the birthday sombrero!
yeah, I grew up in east feliciana, so we weren't exactly tripping over shrimps and crabs all the time. chicken and sausage (or rabbit and sausage, even better) was the default. Seafood was only after someone had made a special trip to down to the boats with all the relatives' orders and cash.
ha! no, i did not catch the joke. not even a little bit. color me embarrassed.
Wait, is this where the stolen princess on an island/in a temple and people in helium airships bits of Otherland come from? Wasn't that part of the network called Barsoom? I never knew what it was referencing, but it did sound like fun. I may have to pick up the books if so.
Nope, he means voila [], or voilà even. Also "wallah" and all of its horrible variations are incorrect.
what! I always felt like she reminded me of someone, but I never could pin it down. I do think she looks a bit inhuman, so maybe this is what I was thinking of all along! hahaha. Hope Newt's got her documents all in order for ICE.
@enteecee: well, i'm not going to pay for it myself. that's something best done by loyal subjects. oppressed people love that kind of grand gesture.
i did when i tried out pc games. because i prefer to mouse left-handed. didn't matter much as i couldn't get too interested in the games anyway. but i did die way less.
Oh, gosh, I was just reading the article about killer warp drives and that thought popped into my head fully formed. I'm came over here to correct myself before I got embarrassed. Too late. :( Anyway, thanks for helping out a numbskull so nicely.
Well, this explanation sounds mighty sensible to me and there are doctors all over the comments saying "finally". BUT, I have always been told that veins are closer to the skin surface than arteries. The article is saying the opposite of that, yes? (4th paragraph) Although, really, *no* vessels are on the surface of…
Prince Charming's rabbit costume is the lamest thing in the room! How lazy do you have to be to not let half a dozen other people dress you in something better?
That's the most comfortable looking throne I have ever seen. I love it, and will have one should I ever become queen of anything.
People better watch out!
Wait, I thought the last time I read about anti-matter (pretty infrequent occurence so I don't know how long ago it was) there was supposed to be loads of it because the universe is too empty. Is that right? Did physicists think that sometime in the last 2 years or so? Or possibly I'm remembering the opposite of…