What do you consider “too high power”? Keep in mind that ALL guns kill. That is what they were designed for.
What do you consider “too high power”? Keep in mind that ALL guns kill. That is what they were designed for.
I don’t understand your point. All states have background checks. And they are mandatory for gun shows as well. And stop saying “common sense” gun laws, they are anything but.
The NRA rights are the same as yours. They are just the louder, combined voice of law biding gun owners. They do more for gun safety than any liberal organization.
You win the award for fastest troll.
Proper storage of firearms is not mandatory, because we don’t live under a authoritarian regimes/dictatorship. And please stop comparing the USA with British territories. Canadians do not have a constitutional right to bear arms.
Most people seem to know nothing about the NRA except what is vomited out by the liberal media. The NRA has done more for gun safety than any liberal effort. They lobby against ‘any’ gun control because they are good at reading between the lines in the many efforts of the leftist attempt to curb gun ownership. “Common…
Seriously, would you support having people require a license and testing before being able to speak freely, or practice their religion? People can’t seem to understand that having a firearm is a right, not a privilege.
Gosh, I wonder who would win that one? The United states military, most of which are conservatives, and who took a pledge to protect the Constitution. Or the coward liberals who willingly give up their rights to FEEL safe.
Not going to happen.
How about you just move to Australia?
STOP with the stupid aussie argument. Australians don’t have the same rights we do. And you have to remember that the 2nd amendment doesn’t give us the right to bear arms, it protects our right to bear arms. We already have the right as free Americans.
Both parties are cry babies. HRC is still on her blame tour.
Oh, and you spelled WINNER wrong.
Stop being a bully/troll.
Good read. Thanks for sharing your experience and advice. I was fortunate enough to have the proper mentors in my life to learn enough about carpentry(father), auto body work(father), and auto mechanic work(friend) to be dangerous. I at least learned enough to give me the confidence to try and figure it out. The hard…
Most gun owners are very aware of the dangers of guns. Because, you know, they actually use them. Especially those who go through conceal carry and hunting classes. Can’t say the same for those who base their fear on hollywood, false statistics and scary news stories.
Thank you for starting this conversation. My kids are adults now, but I know the importance to keeping our children safe, while at the same time, teaching and building confidence.
Statistics said that Trump was gonna lose in a land slide.
Sounds like a new state fair food. Deep fried guns. Damn I love America!!
I am more afraid of a gun-eating deep fryer than I am of a gun.
Don’t forget all of the other scary stuff people have in their houses that can be deadly. Like drugs, knives, bikes, cars, natural gas, hot water, pit bulls, high places, fire, toasters and water.
Isha, stop spreading hate and bullying those you don’t agree with.