Fake news!!
Fake news!!
Awe, you think so? I will let you know what it was like, so you know what to expect.
I appreciate the work you put into your post. I just hate there there is no common sense in these “common sense” proposed regulations. They are all about reducing gun rights and little to do with actually keeping bad guys from buying guns. When the current laws are enforced, it is near impossible for a bad guy to get…
I agree. Mental health is a huge factor that is too often overlooked. But, the NRA, guns, toys, and violent games are easier targets.
An argument I had with my friends a million times. Yet we are all still very much alive.
I agree. Over protection breeds ignorance and ignorance is dangerous when it comes to guns.
I understand your point. However, I believe that when kids to play with toy guns, it creates a great opportunity to teach safety and responsibility. That way when they do start with real guns, they have a good foundation.
So you worked for China, or just communists in general?
I agree, Obama did a lot of stupid stuff and tricked his sheep into thinking he was doing it to protect them. Preach it brother!!
Snowflakes, and the funny things they say. lol
- License to own. (Nope, do you have to have a license to be free to speak? Didn’t think so)
I know gun stores do. Trump has been horrible for sales.
You would have a valid point if the 2nd was about hunting or self protection. lol
Uh, they do represent over 6 million people(gun owners). And you are obviously very ignorant and fearful of guns. Evil is out there, but it is not the NRA. The NRA does more for gun safety than all of the liberal media and democrats have, and will ever do.
Just because you call it common sense, doesn’t make it so.
Actually, companies give NRA members discounts because they have a ton of loyal members. And if the NRA directs them to their companies, the companies make tons of money.
Can you tell me what “common sense restrictions” means to you? That term is being spread faster than STDs in the Navy. But I have yet to see a “common sense restriction” that doesn’t go against my freedom as a law biding citizen, from owning a gun (a scary weapon of war).
That is like asking if someone needs to talk, or if they have a compulsion to want to talk, just because they have the right to free speech.
Gun free zones are easy targets. Path of least resistance.
With the stuff Hollywood is releasing these days, doesn’t surprise me.