
I wonder whether the developer is providing mental health counseling to the people working on the awful fatality animations.

I have a soft spot for Mortal Kombat as an idea, but I can’t be the only one who is *exhausted* by the fatalities at this point, right? The trailer had me until it got MK 11 levels of gross. That’s probably on me for hoping they would rethink how the gore is portrayed.

So it needs a 12 on its saving throw vs Studio Accountants?

It seems to be a toss up right now. It did ok at the box office, but it got steamrolled by The Super Mario Bros Movie. However, it was very well received by critics and audience, and lauded by fans, so it could have legs in streaming. Also, while Wizards are being very greedy and incompetent with it, they clearly want

It was accidentally streaming for about 12 hours there about a month ago!

When the barista joined them— and the way Fuches talked about her and her daughter at dinner— I assumed she’d been writing him on the inside, something like that. (Sort of a Selma / Sideshow Bob situation, if you will.)

Now playing

Cracked had a listicle years ago that included an entry about Leon. In the international cut, she tries to coax him into sex but he turns her down:

Translations and bugs would be the reason.

The fact that he won’t say what the “prank” was leads to the possibility that it wasn’t just a simple “prank.”

Any attempt at comment from the alleged shooter or their legal representation?  Forgive me if I don’t take Cook’s “simple practical joke” statement at face value.

They usually can’t define it because what it really means to them is: “A slur I’m still allowed to say”

Gamers aren't oppressed, but they *should* be.

Anyone who uses the term “woke” to downplay something has typically been unable to actually give me a definition of what the word even means. They just don’t like it, so therefore it’s “woke”.

This world is becoming dumber, I swear..

I mean I don’t think he has a choice but to do something... the whole point of him doing this was grandstanding about his ability to “stand up to woke corporations” and the narrative going around now is that he just got totally pansted by The Mouse. And the actual committee members already whined about [Trump hand

You need to look deeper into things that DeSantis has actually done and you’ll realize he’s an actual fascist. He unconstitutionally fired a duly elected state attorney, personally redistricted the state (again, unconstitutionally), gutted a liberal arts college because it was a liberal arts college and forced in far

There’s a reason why attempting a crime can still get you charged with that crime.  Intent matters.  Just because they failed doesn’t mean their beliefs and actions aren’t aligned with fascism. It just means they suck at it.

An attempt was made. A failed fascist policy is still a fascist policy.

Holy shit, I can’t believe I’m seeing the Rule Against Perpetuities used in real life, and reported on in a Kotaku article no less! It was the bane of many a first-year property law student and has been abolished or replaced with something slightly less nonsensical in many jurisdictions. Nice to see it’s alive and

What’s even dumber is he’s going to “investigate” the move...just walk away, man. You got your “W” with your handpicked board of friends. You already took a victory lap. Just let your buds meet up for a nice dinner every once in a while, act like they’re in charge, and everyone goes about their business.

I love it. These right wing chuds have been doing the same things for decades and are now clutching their pearls on their fainting couches because someone did it against them.