
I need this thing.

Keeping that thing organized was always an obsession. One of the small things that makes that game so great. 

As popular as RE4 is, this game feels super niche and yet I am 100% inside that niche so it sounds like a ton of fun to me.

You won’t even be viewed human.

Fuck anyone who said “Hillary and Trump are the same” in 2016. Fucking nightmare.

“...worried about Square Enix’s common sense.”

This should be put under lifehacker article....

Of course not. But if they want to keep customers it might make sense to actually finish shows. If it wasn’t for a shared password I wouldn’t have even checked on netflix for years, and even on the rare occasions I still do there’s nothing worth my time.

I think I prefer it with the T rating honestly. It’s not like they ever did anything interesting with the M rating anyways, it just felt like they had to make it a bit too try hard-y at times to keep up with the gore. This one feels a lot...I dunno. Fluffier? But in a good way. I’ve rolled my eyes waaaaaaay less at

I’m willing to put down some solid money on someone who is involved with the production of this show being the creator of this “Experience” OR at the very least they found out about it and nudged the kid toward finding it, specifically to manufacture this piece of drama for the show.

The Bloomberg report states that Sega is looking at the Fortnite business model for both titles, aiming to “develop recurring revenue sources and build online communities”. Note here that Sega is on record previously as saying the “Super Game” project is a place the company may experiment with NFTs.

poes law on this post.

Until proven otherwise, I’m going to assume Tactics Ogre Reborn is just a mobile cash grab. Prove me wrong Square, please. And while your at it, port Ogre Battle 64 already!!

Alright, if KH3 is anything to go off, we'll see this vapid trainwreck of a game in 2030 and the DLC that somewhat finishes it a year or so later. I look forward to middle-aged Haley Joel Osmond continuing to try to voice a teenager for the next 20 years it'll take to complete this arc.

So we have Sora...again.

I’ve since accepted the fact that this series is never going to end. Any plot or theme or greater story that this series might have had has long been since abandoned, and its fans don’t care.

Personally, I try to stay away from places that have a bunch of warning signs to not be in the area and threaten arrest, so I find this one to be all on the knuckheads in the boat.

As someone who grew up in the 80s and devoured Fangoria, the reason so many horror movies had sex and drugs was because that got people’s butts in seats. I’m paraphrasing, but Roger Corman used to say “Give them a scream and a tease” about his movies. Nudity was the cheapest special effect to have, that’s why so many

It’s not only weird, it’s kind of a shame.