
So glad Beeragon is part of the Godzilla fan community. She does a lot of these animations and they’re all splendid, so I’ve followed her on twitter for a while, but this one is pretty exceptional.

I don’t much care for Hickman’s run on X-Men (I couldn’t get into it, largely because I don’t really dig comics anymore), but Nightcrawler is always gonna be my absolute favorite comic book character. Any time he gets a spotlight I’ll show up for it. Always love when they pair him and Rachel.

I miss that game so much. They actually used my ideas for Nightcrawler. It was bananas. It was such crazy dev/player community where we all got to help build the heroes. Too bad the game had such a rough start and polorizing endgame. It could never find the foothold that something like Path of Exile did.

There are two this week. That’s the other one. When you scroll down the store tab they should both be popping up. Faeria is the other one.

This game was truly bad, but Squall is my favorite character. Still probably not gonna throw any more money at Squenix tho.... Unless I can play as no nope. This has to end.

Alternate Universe. The KH mobile game and some elements of KH3 reveal that there are several time lines that the true, true (true?) villain has been manipulating and that the events of the story we’ve been following, where Sora is the protagonist, are... I dunno the incorrect timeline or not the optimal timeline


W Bush is a war criminal, but I’m not finding much that definitively says he lowered the enlistment standards.

If I recall the game is a “live service” with years of support, and new heroes, to come. 

Counterpoint - He’s the best... eventually. He’s the most realistic character in the Final Fantasy series. Which is to say he’s a shitty 18 year old kid who actually grows up over the course of the story into a competent, emotional human being.

Without a doubt. 

Key & Peele was always Twilight Zone.

They can make these all day every day as far as I’m concerned. I mean with a 65 year old library spanning over 30 films, you’re either on board as a Godzilla fan who knows Godzilla gets constantly remade/rebooted and will until the end of days or you need say “this isn’t for me” and shut the fuck up. You definitely

Agree. Awesome that it’s free content and I applaud Capcom for doing it, but 4th Survivor is soooo boring. I platinum’d RE2 a day before this released and Hunk’s mission was the last thing I did, so to get that the next day... ehh. 95% of the mission is running past the enemies and the other 5% is hitting just the

Quinn made the show unbearable. I had to start fast-forwarding anything that wasn’t Sunny, a fight scene or (later) Nick Frost. All the other characters endlessly pontificate about power or control or whatever else in painstakingly slow detail. It’s so stilted and dull. If I wanted that I’d watch the first 5ish season

I’m actually going to see it again tomorrow and this time taking my 4 year old nephew. I can’t believe I’m so excited to see it a second time. 

That part wrecked me.

I’ll take Thor over over The First Avenger any day of the week. Outside of Evans performance I find The First Avenger one of the most tedious and poorly constructed entries in the series.

Are you purposely ignoring the other completely legitimate uses of the word listed in the definition just to be a dipshit or do you not know they exists?

Same, bud. Same.