
No. I assume people have real lives and don’t have time to watch 13 hours of show with the first 3 days it’s out and have been curious if people who were giving it glowing reviews had seen it through yet, because my opinion and the opinions of few others drastically changed after a certain point from glowing to “WTF

It’s a valid question. A lot of my friends were enjoying it and then one by one as we reached the final episodes over the weekend found the writing to be lacking and the characters dumbed down for the sake of continuing it further than it needed to go. So I asked for my own personal edification. /shrug

Hmm... have you seen passed episode 9? Because it falls apart hard. I felt like everyone’s IQ plummeted after that. And ultimately I felt the resolutions to the issues were underwhelming when the writers seemingly decided that complexity didn’t matter anymore if they could make the series 13 episodes instead of 9 or

Soundwave was always on point.

Naoto and Chie. My favorites. BRB... DON’T JUDGE ME!!!

I’ve never really played another MMO. Never so much as a minute of WoW or anything Korean produced which was all the rage when GW2 came out. So make of this what you will...

And too rich to give a fuck

Holy fuck this is a lot of white on white crime. Mostly I mean old white people fighting over control of the country all dressed in terrible white clothing from the 90s...

My guess is she’s a Brazilian that does Brazilian Jiu Jitsu because Capcom...

Weddings are still pretty much affairs designed to be made fun of from beginning to end though. You just don’t liveblog or livetweet it. You come to a Gawker site the next day and write about it anonymously.

I got the sense from what I’ve been reading that the devs hit a wall and that wall was, “Holy shit we really don’t know how to effectively program the AI for the single player campaign”.

Every damn time. ...

I hope other people get how clever your comment is. I really do.

I heard he’s actually going to eat a live baby on stage if they ignore him next debate.

Ascended gear is highly overrated unless you’re specifically doing high level fractal dungeon runs frequently. Legendary items are gold sinks and we’re altogether just eDick measuring tools until they got at least something of a mechanical benefit that made them somewhat worthwhile. Why Anet thought that was good end

Season 1 was so bad it made me rage quit for a few months. Haha. I’m glad we will never have to go back to it. Though never re releasing the holographic shattered wing skin is BS.

Lifetime Channel - Where careers go to get killed by evil-doctor-husbands.

Now if only we could have some of those servicemen in movie theaters or churches in this country. . .

Britain said the same thing a few hundred years ago.