Wait, wait... "slut" has a gender? How is it not usable on men that sleep around? Isn't it a type of behaviour really?
Wait, wait... "slut" has a gender? How is it not usable on men that sleep around? Isn't it a type of behaviour really?
So this game has a horribly plotted second act?
I heard you like to take all four fingers
Oddly enough my first thought too...
I can't figure out what's saving it from being cancelled now though.
I only really know Matthew Goode from Watchmen and some really cliched romantic comedy set in Ireland, which he says he only took so he could film a movie around Dublin. Like a paid vacation in which he also gets to make out with Amy Adams... anyway, my point being why isn't this dude in more movies?
I was just thinking - if their child doesn't end up with the same exact nose, then we know the kid isn't his.
Haha... No. Chie > everyone else.
While not costing $40 million dollars like the Agent Smith fight apparently did, Matrix Reloaded's chateau scene is the better for it. There's no badly aged CGI, and instead, there's a well-paced, easy to follow, and brilliantly choreographed fight—something that most Hollywood movies are unable to do.
Yessssss. I love that movie.
No more CD players?
I personally lump all people into two categories - Will-have-sex-with-me-sexuals and won't-have-sex-with-me-sexuals. Any other labels are just semantic.
The culture at large seems to despise woman having sex, or at least deriving joy from it. In the regards of porn being "woman-empowering" it depends on the point of view on what that means. Technically if a woman is filmed in a sexual act, derives pleasure from both the act AND it being filmed it could be labeled as…
Reusing shots from Nolan movies will do that for you.
SNL has been dying the last few years and by years I mean decades.
Who care who the hell is cast in it? Why the fuck is this not GB3. Dan Aykroyd isn't doing anything. Just have him still be working at "Ray's Occult". Have Eernie Hudson be their mechanic or field leader... anything. You can't tell me Ernie Hudson is too busy to shoot a few scenes in a jumpsuit! But reboot? WHY!?
Dude must make so much money by being one of the few not-ugly-as-shit male performers. Kudos to this guy.
Yeah. They could have actually done something about this. When one strategy and gear type works on every single encounter - you've failed in designing. However, it's also the community's fault for being assholes about it - creating a faux-elitism and neutering the fun by kicking people from parties that don't have the…
I don't think a GW2 trailer has ever interested me and I've put 1000+ hrs into GW2 lol
I just wish "stacking" and "zerker gear" weren't the answers to any and all obstacles in the game. I absolutely hate doing dungeons now because everyone just wants zerker gear and for you to stand in one particular spot each encounter. There's barely any dynamic combats in the game anymore. I too will still buy/enjoy…