Motherfucking Nightcrawler right there.
Motherfucking Nightcrawler right there.
19 warped assholes and counting.
Famous people. . . aren't commodities? I don't think I'm willing to accept that! I say good day to you!
Just imagine these were non-white people. Jezebel would be paying them to make more vids instead of (albeit humorously?) saying they should stop. This site sometimes. I can never tell where it's coming from. Like, are we supposed to hate "Say Yes To The Dress" or think it's a vile assault against feminism? (Though for…
I think for many the idea that "it's on the internet so it doesn't count" is still pretty prevalent. Just like pirating music and movies. It's not just a lack of empathy. It's a total disconnection from part of reality. In the same vein as most people really not being able to fully comprehend wars that aren't…
guess a bunch of 3rd world kids just got a bunch of free baby shirts. Assuming that an Ebola virus or some such isn't killing them I'm sure they'll be happy to receive first world cast offs and won't give the slightest fuck what they look like. Everyone wins when we can safely ignore two problems at once.
I like everything about Tokyo ESP so far but the ending theme, I have yet to sit through the end credits sequence. In a show that's based around many, many borrowed concepts that both plays with and against them I feel like the end theme kinda falls flat. It's like a bad mix of Evanescence and Attack on Titan's…
Accomplishments are meaningless. So is life. Nihilism. Now if you excuse me, I have to go have a smoke outside of a convenience store and toss my hair.
I really cannot stand these people. Like most shows on the TLC, which stands for The Exploitation Channel I think, this one is as morbid as it comes when it comes to self-absorbed pod-people who only fit into society by digging in their pious claws and gouging out a space. Seriously anytime Jez posts about a show on…
I'm am such a huge fan of Dead Space 1 and especially Dead Space 2... then the series took a Necromorph to the knee with DS3. As much as I really want to continue loving all things Dead Space . . . I just can't if that's the direction they continue. But it doesn't look like they're continuing it anyway. I guess I'll…
Kingdom Hearts is only confusing because one character has somewhere around 7 identities now . . . and he's the main antagonist. But he also borrowed one identity from another character in the series... and then split that into two separate identities, one of which is the body of a man that the main antagonist is…
Everything wrong with CinemaSins by CinemaSins. It's all a joke.
Your username makes me lol as it's both an SNL throwback and an ongoing joke between my cousin and myself. But I also agree: vote with your wallet so to speak.
Oh, god. Please don't cross-post this to Kotaku. I can only be angered by peoples' (systemic) ignorance so much in a single week. I really do dread the days I call myself a gamer...
Remember when this would has said Resident Evil instead of The Last of Us?
I just can't get over how bad her hair is in the photo. As for the rest of the costume? Who cares? This movie is already basically going to be the comedy event of the century.
This proves it. We're an entire race of 'Captain James T. Kirk's. We won't accept loss. Even in the face of "winning" not being possible.
Real life Kobayashi Maru
Nothing against the show, but watching it makes me ill. I don't know if it's the semi-3D art style or what, but I tried watching the first episode and was like, "I can't do it. Not with this animation". I really detest looking at it, but I'm glad to hear a lot of people liked the story.
I dunno... not a complete list. Clearly a lot more deal breakers should, nay need to be added.