
Ahem, Rowlet is 100% the best Alolan starter. No question

Odyssey should be #1 in my opinion. It easily has the best combat in upgrades in any AC game. The blocking system with the LB and RB triggers is genius. When the swords clash and you get that bling. I feel like a badass! Love it!

In what world is this not “white” - No, it’s not #fff digital lead white, but that is clearly a shade of white. Is yours is suffering from severe yellowing?

Disagree. It takes elements from every past generation of PlayStation and rolls them into the most PlayStation PlayStation that has ever PlayStationed.

The PSOne was white and or Grey, lest you forget. It has a splash of the PS2 Electric Blue, it’s got PS3 Curves, and the high-gloss / matte finish of the PS4.
This is

About time they officially announced Horizon One Dawn!

Really? That’s the appropriate response? A gaming blog posts something critical of one of your characters (deservedly btw) and your response would be to just not sell your game to that entire country/continent?

I don’t read Kotaku as much over the last few years because my employer firewall decided to put the mark of death on it. But you are one of the remaining writers that I was did make a point to try to read. You’ll be missed.

You could, of course, follow these very inconvenient recommendations, or you could simply follow the tried-and-true tactics:

More like: “Jason Schreier delays Final Fantasy VII Remake and Avengers”.

“completely fabricated events that never happened” is a weird thing to get mad about. You are aware the original game wasn’t a documentary, right? 

Wait, I’m confused. Why was the Plaintiff ordered to pay the Defendant? Was there a counter-claim? On what basis? So the Plaintiff is now out the original $1.2 million he spent in the character AND almost $13,000 to the person that bought the character? Was the ex-friend found not liable for any damages??

You really think that content is any where close to the entire Disney catalog? No way

You say this, but I feel like on a Saturday morning at 5:30 am with a 3 year old, I’d be willing to pay a hell of a lot more than they are charging for the peace that this service will buy me during that initial waking up period.

This whole take screams “I don’t have kids”....

The opening of the vault on Disney+ is going to be a life saver for me

Yeah, I enjoy choosing things like species and class.  However, I have gotten to the point where I try not to spend much time on cosmetic features.  Most of the time they will be covered up with armor anyway.  So if a game has a randomize option I’ll just tap that a few times until I get something I am satisfied with

And who, pray tell, is going to play the Big Red Chicken as the secret kingpin of crime we all know he really is?  How can he *not* be Wilson Fisk with feathers??

I’m looking forward to the A Realm Reborn version of this where they start over from scratch and make a good game.

I’ve played both beta tests extensively, and I just can’t get over it: This game is pure ass. :< And what’s so bad is that by all rights it shouldn’t be. The game is developed by Team Ninja. They should have had this one in the bag!