A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Apparently this stems from a complaint filed by an employee after Rio. She claims he sexually assaulted her. Someone said there had been rumors that he was a dog, but they assumed it had all been consensual and now women were coming forward with their own non consensual attacks. I guess with the climate, they finally

It’s kind of insane how we’re uprooting all of these abusive men, but not the most famous one of all.

There’s been a general consensus that Matt Lauer is a fucking creep for years. I remember being a little kid and my mom refusing to watch any news segment with him in it bc she thought he seemed like a cretin.

The swiftness of this makes me think they were just waiting for someone to go on record and make a complaint so they had a just reason to get rid of him.

Yeah, the only thing about this one is that it was a sudden, overnight firing rather than one that followed a couple days worth of complaints piling up. I would have thought that Lauer was important enough for them to try to wait it out.

Matt Lauer’s firing was about as expected as Donald Trump’s incompetence. Figuring out who sexually harasses women isn’t very difficult to predict. Lauer consistently gave Trump and O’Reilly a pass on their shitty behavior while grilling HRC about emails and telling her to keep her answers brief.

Me, too. It happened in 2002. I was billed 2,346.76. My rape broke me and dealing with life was not one of the skills I possessed, a little too busy trying not to kill myself for about 5 years. Both were greatly helped as a result of not having access to healthcare due to lack of insurance. My job paid me $7.75

This happened to me. The first person I spoke to about it at the hospital was pretty awful about it; she said “even dead patients have to pay.” I was eventually able to get the charges removed, but even so, kept getting notices from my insurance company asking if the claim was “related to an accident.”

yeah, we all know he took one look at those medals and ribbons, and lost his mind. He had to put those Injuns in their place, after they showed him up with their real tale of heroism and valor. He was so burning with jealousy he couldn’t even read the prepared remarks. I believe that overseas trip took away what was

how to kill someone with a knife

A few months into the Trump administration, a WaPo journalist retweeted a call for the Trump faithful to inundate the paper with fake scoops to prove how easily fooled the reporters were and said basically, “Yeah, you guys have been trying this for months. We just haven’t printed any of your fake news because we

This ... which is why saying her name isn’t a slur. Call people (Warren?) out on their nonsense, but come on. It’s beyond reappropriation. Sorry Trump and others, but you never made it your own/took honor from her.

Some days, I am honestly surprised that I wake up and there is still electricity, trash collection, and running water. With all of the government departments in total disarray, that there is any remaining infrastructure seems a near-miracle.

they have to try really hard to make it less obvious that it’s clearly just mike huckabee in a wig

Not new or even mine, but someone once said, “This is what happens when you make enemies of all gay people”. But also, with this current administration, their SOP is that things are only great when they are the biggest, best, most incredible thing ever and thusly, Sarah’s direction must be, “Give me the MOST contour

I didn’t want to go all ad hominem on that shit, but I was thinking the same thing. Between the OAN network level of smokey eye and the crazy contouring, she needs an intervention.

Pocahontas wasn’t Navajo. She wasn’t Cherokee, either. Warren wasn’t present. It would have been the easiest thing in the world not to mention either woman, but apparently that’s beyond Trump.

Isn’t that fucking Andrew “the only good Indian” fucking Jackson on the wall there?

Fuuuuuuck, nothing is surprising anymore, the entire administration is fucking garbage INCLUDING Sarah’s makeup person because that contouring is way too fucking intense, this is not an E! reality show for the love of fucking god.

Seriously! I don’t particularly love the monarchy but it’s nice to see two people, who are clearly in love, overcome prejudice and decide to spend their lives together.