A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Yes, you should make your partner part of the buying experience, but you both need to agree on the budget before ever stepping into the store together. It is a good exercise! Your ability to reach consensus might be a predictor for how the rest of your relationship will go. Can’t decide on a ring budget? Getting into

7. Let her pick the ring.

Nona, this is good advice. I worked in a jewelry store, and here’s my take:

I prefer physical books. I write in the margins a lot. ;)

Yep. I just got married this past June. The engagement ring I got for my wife was right on the 3 month’s salary money, but she loves it, so I really don’t mind. I got off super cheap on the band itself, though, so it all worked out. I do agree that as an institution, it is a little overbearing, and you don’t have to

I read the whole study and I like the way they worked it.

I agree with both of you. If she consented, cool, but joking about it on national TV is weird and not funny to me. Especially the joke about him preferring it that way...kinda gross. 

Individually packaged easy to self serve lasagna is yum. It’s not that messy if you eat it with your fingers and use your hand as a plate.

Megsogynist: white racist misogynistic woman who only cares about herself.

the problem’s not with the term, it’s with the collective emotional maturity of a society that would rather nitpick a term than discuss why we still need the term, “feminist.” we shouldn’t retire it until it’s no longer necessary. doing so would send the wrong message: we’re sorry we whined, us women really do have it

Lots of people having trouble with the word “feminist” these days, making me think we need a new, better word. How about “shequalist” or, if you’re so inclined, “megynist.”

I hear what you’re saying, but to be fair, Stewart got the Daily Show gig in 99 and wasn’t really a touring comedian after that. So he might not have been around all the backstage bull sessions when the stories and rumors were spreading. And I doubt he spends much time on twitter or AV Club comment threads.

So you are assuming that Jon’s friends tell him every horrible thing that they’ve done and that he deliberately covers it up for them? Because that’s a pretty dumb assumption.

People defend their friends. It doesn’t have to be a deliberate lie.

He is probably white, too. White men literally ruin everything.

I think that’s the point of the comment, Kim K was actually pregnant her first two (absolutely shitty, physically painful and potentially fatal) pregnancies. This one she’s not actually pregnant, she got to have a good time and actually party it up. This commenter did “keep up” with the Kardashian (sorry I had to make

Hmm... wait a minute. I don’t think the “M” in “YMCA” stands for “ladies...” but what could it possibly stand for?

Roy Moore was banned from his local mall for being a creep. Given how terrible you have to be to get banned from a single department store - especially as a rich white dude who isn’t shoplifting - I can’t imagine the levels of creeper needed to get banned from the whole building.

It’s a low bar indeed where we applaud when the Republicans seemingly do the right thing and decide a statutory rapist shouldn’t hold elected office.