A Sense of Poise and Rationality

“I came of age in the 60's and 70's, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different”

Weinstein’s statement, condensed and paraphrased: “In the 60s and 70s, it was okay to rape. Now, I see that is no longer the case. Here is a pile of money to fight the NRA. Good day.”

Pretty gross. His apology statement makes it clear that he was expecting this to drop for over a year now.

Counterpoint: Staffer specifically picked a holiday wedding so Megyn Kelly would not go but would send a gift anyway.

Whoa! Can you imagine being that staffer? Like, bitch, I only invited you as a courtesy, but thanks for making it clear that I can disinvite your rude ass and give your $200/plate spot to someone I’ve actually known for more than a hot minute and actually like.

In Session’s case his speeches give a good look into his mental hellscape. The public is SOFT and shouldn’t need protections.

Because the people in this administration hate-and I’m using that specific word intentionally-anyone who isn’t a wealthy Christian straight white cisgender male.

It has to be. It’s deficient. It’s missing something. Whatever exists in the brain that facilitates empathy, they don’t have it.

I don’t understand the conservative mind. I think it must be fundamentally different than mine on a structural level.

Why? Why is this type of shit remotely a priority in any way? At least with the gun law stuff there’s a clear trail of money from the NRA and gun manufacturers into the pockets of politicians. Has there been a dearth of frivolous transgender discrimination suits that are decimating American businesses left and right

Kudos for the best relationship quote ever by a celebrity. It ain’t all magic. You are not one unit blah blah blah. Two ppl, two personalities, two sets of careers.

This is literally my relationship.

Either make another movie without her or let it die.

First of all, the world does not need another Sex and the City anything. Leave that dead horse alone!

Yeah, but she’s not necessarily a “celebrity” like a Kardashian or some has-been actor. She does write a lot of her music and sings and is pretty immersed in the production evolution of her show. I just wonder sometimes. She’s young, ambitious, and blasted to fame and that doesn’t always guarantee long term popularity

I used to live in her hometown, and knew people that interacted with her, served her, and never heard anything bad about her. Ever. The worst I ever heard was she was awkward and kinda snobby (the area she lived in was VERY snobby, so it’s to be expected)

Good lord will they let the SATC movie go! No one wanted to see that shit anyway. Also, how does Willie Garson know Kim C. was in negotiations for six months? Was he involved in the negotiation talks? Did he see the emails between her and the producers? It’s obvious now that Kim wants no parts of that turd. Either

I know it’s not a popular sentiment, but maybe TS is not a total fake, shifty, friend using, boyfriend exploiting, Kanye bully? Just a thought.

My favorite chyron today: “Tillerson not denying he called Trump a moron.”