A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Can’t turn them away for emergency care, but they can still foot them with a hefty bill. Hospitals will turn them away for subsequent care that isn’t deemed an emergency, like physical therapy to help bodies heal from fucking bullet wounds. PT is incredibly expensive but absolutely necessary after such trauma. GTFO of

Any abortion at or after 20 weeks is likely going to be the result of some heartbreaking medical issue, so this is nothing but cruelty towards women and parents so these lawmakers can claim how fucking pious they are. Fuck them and their shit religion that is the basis of all this nonsense.

Exactly that.

That part really got to me, too. I’m hoping that my dad, who is also a musician (not as successful as Mr. Petty, but he does alright) will read that and take it to heart. He’s been back in the country for months but hasn’t taken a break to see his grandson. It makes me sad because he’s missing out on this awesome

Just a quick reminder. According to the Republicans, gun ownership is a right, but healthcare isn’t.

I’m sad I’ll never hear Tom Petty sing live again. But I am really sorry that Tom Petty the grandfather didn’t get to hang out with his granddaughter like he wanted to once off the road. That sucks.

Quite the one-two gut punch today. Didn’t even know I even wanted TP in my life that much. Took him for granted. Take nothing for granted, I see now. RIP, all- and godspeed them who’s left behind

Bowie was shocking, Prince was devastating, and Petty is abandonment.

This is the saddest most hopeful sounding post. How sad that in our times, everything is on fire, but at least there’s the silver lining that this bill will not likely pass in the senate. I mean, where are we??? How are we in a place where that is the BEST piece of news we’re hearing? Sigh.

A crisis in Puerto Rico, endless gun violence, an opioid epidemic, increased hostilities with North Korea, and multiple ongoing wars. I can’t think of a better time to allocate legislative time to grandstanding over a bill with zero chance of passing in the Senate.

How timely.

These “pro-life” Republicans ought to be ashamed to show their faces in public. Puerto Rico—let ‘em drown. Las Vegas—let ‘em get mowed down by another crazy white guy with a gun. Expiration of CHIP healthcare for kids—let ‘em die of curable diseases.

Sure, let’s push through legislation to ‘protect’ fetuses, but hey, when it comes to protecting actual children and adults from gun violence, it’s ‘stricter gun laws won’t actually stop these events from happening because people will still acquire guns if they’re determined enough’.

You know, I’ve never got the whole JTL and JB relationship. I never saw a chemistry between them (ok, like I’ve get that I’ve never met them), but their relationship seemed off to me. I also heard that there were problems before they even got engaged. Anyway, whatever, good luck to them but color me not surprised.

See, I don’t understand why the responsible gun owners aren’t the FIRST ones getting pissed the fuck off about this. It’s like how, once I became a pet owner, I got even more upset about asshats who don’t obey leash laws and don’t pick up after their dogs than I used to be. Before, they were nuisances. Now, they’re

Everyone needs to get Chicago’s name out of their mouths after mass shootings.

Most of the vocal NRA people I know have multiple automatic weapons as well as the standard Glocks or whatever. The gun owners who don’t belong to the NRA have maybe a couple of hunting rifles for hunting and/or one handgun if they feel like they need it for home protection. One handgun. Unless you are dropped in the

“I think if you look to Chicago, where you had over 4,000 victims of gun-related crimes last year, they have the strictest gun laws in the country. Trickle-down economics certainly haven’t helped there.”


Things are bad. And I seriously think the only way to get out of this is for all the leftist factions to unite in a cohesive alliance with the singular goal of overthrowing the Republicans. After all, the Republicans have two factions: moderates and extremists.