A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Having not read it yet, for what it’s worth I think Chasing Raindrops is a really pretty title.

I’m not sure if they want a “normal” child so much as an alive one.

These parents are not dealing with reality here and idk what they hope to accomplish. Even the doctor who does the experimental treatment here in the U.S. says it only has a 10% chance of helping this child. And it will not reverse any damage already done. That’s the existence they want to condemn their child too —

This reminds me of every writers workshop I’ve ever taken. There is always someone who writes like this who should know better but doesn’t. You kinda get a pass because you were a kid.

I really get what they’re doing here. But this is going to end one way and, somehow, they’ve got to start that process of moving forward without this child. I want to say that this is probably part of the process for them: The feeling that they really did EVERYTHING to save him, even if they couldn’t.

Uhhh, yeah. Jesus wants us to save all the babbys who can pay? Also, do these parents have deep pockets for US healthcare or are they going to ride the publicity wave to crowdfund it? My heart goes out to them but I must admit to sensing some anti-science sentiment in this whole affair. Obviously it’s their baby so

No, a BRITISH child. A white, British child.

Right - I hate to bring this up, but even Trump was saying to bring the baby over here...

Imma just leave this here:

Ouf, that picture, just heartbreaking.

I can’t imagine what this family is going through but perhaps grieving parents shouldn’t be unilaterally superseding international law and medical ethics

I saw John Waters at a bar once. Not only was he not an asshole when I asked if I could take a picture with him, but he bought me a drink and chatted for 15 minutes or so.

What is it with these middle aged white guys like Gavin McInnes where their brain breaks? Is this something I need to look out for? What are the warning signs?

Gavin McInnes is the kind of neo-Nazi that’s still too into trying to look cool that he could never fully commit to the shaved head and swastika tattoo lifestyle.

He posted revenge porn on a public platform, so of course the public has something to say about it. Women everywhere feel threatened by this stuff – it’s scary, and the #itcouldhappentoyou factor is way too real to ignore. This isn’t just routine Kardashian drama; it’s a sex crime, and it hits close to home for a lot

yep, he’s an abusive, gross, slack ass riding on his sisters’ coat tails.

Yeah no shit. Jesuits question everything. A Jesuit priest developed the Big Bang Theory. And my favorite Jewish philosopher, Maimonides, wrote some of the most introspective religious or non-religious works ever. In his Guide to the Perplexed, he basically outlined how the only real form of worship is total abject

The comments on Buzzfeed are enough to make a sane person rage stroke. Men and women saying she got what she deserved, and siding with a known abuser because she’s a gold digging whore. I can’t count how many times I’ve said, it doesn’t matter if you like or her or hate her, revenge porn is wrong. It really shouldn’t