A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Can you imagine having to “party” with Ivanka and Jared?


Me too, but I guess we shouldn’t be. Red states are all about states’ rights. Plus, even Republican Secs of State aren’t dumb enough to claim that fraud happened on their own watch. It’s always other people. Congrats to the WH for hitting on an issue with bipartisan support.

Totes. I don’t know where you live, but ‘round my parts, there are wild roving packs of Slutty McSlutsluts that abduct pregnant women and force them to get abortions. Addiction to abortions is skyrocketing; we just can’t see any hope on the horizon. And then they do all those...whadda ya call ‘em....mammy-o-phones or

So defunding PP is improving peoples lives? What a crock of shit. I hate them all of them.

I think the closest I can think of is maybe the Rumors album by Fleetwood Mac. They weren’t married, but it was an incredible album sonically with several songs exploring the problems they had with all of their fuckery and relationships. That, and Songbird.

Most of his syntax could best be described as akin to English translated into Japanese and then back to English again.

Apart from when she posted on instagram about it immediately after Lemonade dropped? Also the last time I listened to Lemonade there was one single reference to “Becky” and the rest absolutely tearing Jay a new one, so your straw man doesn’t really hold up babes

Uh, Becky tried to get cute on Instagram right after Lemonade dropped with some “good hair don’t care” bullshit, got dragged to hell and read for filth, and then deleted her Instagram citing “bullying.”

I find it funny that Beyonce and Jay Z are so hung up on Becky, and he even tells her to let it go.

So much of Kevin Malone can be used as a metaphor for the Orange One’s administration.

“Watched low rated @Morning_Joe for first time in long time. FAKE NEWS. He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no! Bad show”

He called me to stop a National Enquirer article. I said no!

Can someone please compile all of the statements he has made about women bleeding? I am noticing a very disturbing pattern that has to have some kind of psychological explanation.

C’mon how can they NOT make fun of Trumplethinskin’s Time cover?

and the paid-to-play “continuing to be thoughtful abt her platform” wife, and the “doesn’t engage in politics” daughter, and the multi hat-wearing ill-equiped son-in-law, and the tv-blabbermouth animal-killing sons. the ex-wives, and the other daughter. nevermind the cabinet and any and everyone mr trumpertantrum has

Or the “minority president”, but given your average Trumpanzee’s level of intelligence, they would mistaken assume that I was calling the president (“gasp!”) black.

So did the majority of American voters, but then the Electoral College failed to fulfill its only purpose — to ensure that voters can’t even accidentally put an incompetent demagogue in the White House.

Yeah, I knew what I was getting. That’s why I voted against the sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic, incestual, paranoid, idiotic, treasonous, poorphobic, greedy, eduphobic, evil, climate denying shit pile.