A Sense of Poise and Rationality

This made me think of my time serving (so I’ll just blurt it out and bore you). I was the lone holdout on a jury, deadlocking it. I believed the man to be guilty. He attacked his wife with a large knife and slashed her. The guy clearly did it (as we would find out later, he had a history of violence never brought up

The truly baffling aspect of this case is that Cosby’s defense was that the sex was consensual. But Andrea Constand is a lesbian. What about this inherent fault in his logic confuses the jurors?

My new approach when encountering rape apoligists or victim blamers IRL is to say “NOPE” really loudly and walk away. So far it’s been 100% effective.

but why didn’t these women come forward earlierrrrrrrr

But also, what if she did want to go home and have sex with him, and changed her mind when she saw his doll collection or something? The idea that if we start down a path with a man we can’t change our minds is fucking gross. If I start eating a pizza and hate it, do I need to keep going? Do you shove it into my mouth

Here’s the thing that I don’t understand about this moron, she doesn’t want to be kissed by him in public, so of course she is going to be soaking wet when he comes out in his boxers unprovoked.

It is truly maddening how much energy women have to put into cradling men’s egos. Instead of saying “no” when we are uncomfortable and risking an escalation to violence, we have to come up with clever excuses so he doesn’t interpret it as a reflection of himself. It’s the environment, not that you’re an asshole. It’s

“If she didn’t want to have sex with him, then why was she taking tequila shots and why did she go home with him? Do we even know what she was wearing? Surely we’re not going to ruin this fine young man’s life over 20 minutes of action, are we?”

“I’m sorry if I got overly excited.” 

I like to think that Gwen Stefani doesn’t actually understand the point of lingerie, and so she’s purchased ALL the lingerie and puts it all on at the same time so she looks like the boudoir version of one of those people who tries to break the “most t-shirts worn at once” record.

Let us know if she just stands at the podium with a laptop while a voiceover plays on the speakers.

I fully agree that Trump’s a disaster like we’ve never seen in living memory, but imagine someone with enough political experience and decorum, who actually listens to lawyers to make their legislation defensible taking up his causes. That possibility doesn’t scare you a little?

So as irrational as this may seem, I’m actually starting to worry that Trump won’t make it a full year. He is a complete and utter clown, but I’m much more afraid of Pence. Pence probably believes in at least half of the unhinged shit that Trump tweets, but has enough sense/lack of dementia to not actually say it so

Are you sure they wouldn’t just be like, “Hey, he IS just like us - and he’s president!”

The more that comes out about the shooter (who is essentially a liberal version of a Trumpkateer) the worse it makes us look. This guy was a hardcore Bernie Bro, and in this one act of stupidity has essentially proven the point that Faux news and its ilk have been trying to prove since last year: “The Libruls are

My dad, lifelong NJ public school teacher, retired, has a special Christie dartboard. One does NOT get Pop started on the people who call teachers ‘greedy’ for wanting to be paid a living wage & get a decent pension!
