A Sense of Poise and Rationality

Yeah, there is a need for a whole bunch of education and policies that mandate punishments for players who perpetrate violence... none of which will happen because heaven forbid we make a star player sit out a game or three just because some bitch felt like lying. /s

My issue is that October is also Domestic Violence month, but that gets no attention. Football players in pink for a disease everyone is aware of and trying to cure? Sure! Football players in purple, recordings PSAs telling men that domestic violence is not okay? No, thanks, we’d rather talk about tits. SMH.

I can’t hate parents are farmers and “Amarillo Sky”, one of his first singles, always makes me think of my dad. And cry. Because farming is a horribly unreliable source of income and the song is about that.

I grew up in SD. It’s like a competition to be the most obnoxiously “conservative” part of state government.

My boyfriend decided we should watch the series together. We are maybe a third of our way into season 2. He very cautiously asked if most people really liked Carrie and was quite relieved when I told him no one likes Carrie. He also said he can see why I identify with Miranda, as the things that annoy him about her

Tweeter and the Monkeyman is one of my top-five songs.

I would agree with you that a diverse reading list is a great start to developing empathy. I guess when I classify books with a blanket “inappropriate for children,” I think of it as if the book were a movie. So, Flowers in the Attic, for instance, is definitely not a movie most people would show to a child if filmed

I wouldn’t say I’m maladjusted, but I do ascribe a lot of my sexual preferences to things I read about at an age in which most people would agree was too young. I think of it like this: a lot of the scenes I read would have been considered hardcore porn and completely inappropriate for a child. Obviously, that was

My brother and I frequently discuss the completely inappropriate books we read as children. We could only listen to Christian music and for a while couldn’t even watch Disney films due to some weird church beliefs. In their defense, keeping up with our voracious reading habits would have been nearly impossible, but

She did include a list of more modern books for children, which I thought was a much more constructive part of the letter.

My ex was perfectly content to substitute porn for me...I filed for divorce and substituted a guy who fucks the shit out of me for the ex. I definitely came out on top.

It’s moving to Hulu! Which literally made my week.

It’s almost like being a generically pretty blonde woman with a hint of talent is only a reliable career path at one network...

This quote amuses me in a way that may not be healthy.

My other siblings and I often wonder how our sister is able to (apparently) competently manage a whole vet clinic...she has no tact or empathy or people skills, in general. Like, does she treat her staff like she treats us, or is she an entirely different person at work? And why did her husband voluntarily sign on to

Sisters are weird. I have two, both younger, and at any given point 1 of us is probably not speaking with the others. First, one got involved with and ended up marrying an emotionally abusive piece of shit (sister 2 hated him and refused to speak to her). Then, I got married and sister 1 was such a raging bitch on my

Now playing

“Love is Blind” looks like a cheap ripoff of the much superior “Whore” by Tess.

In a previous life, I worked in jewelry sales. I can attest that the more focused a couple is on the ring, the less likely the relationship is to last. Generally (obviously there are exceptions), the type of people who want the biggest, flashiest rings are on the more superficial end of things, and often ended up

Why are people discussing numbers? There is no “right” amount of partners; just look at the letters in question. One person isn’t experienced enough; the other is too experienced. I have never seen a relationship in which having that conversation strengthened the bond. One person feels jealous and one person feels

That was the response of my Christian “friends” to my rape. I had been drinking and I wasn’t a virgin, so what was my issue? Clearly I was asking for it by living such a sinful lifestyle. They’re lucky my brand of sinning doesn’t involve cunt punts.