A Sense of Poise and Rationality

The church I attended as a child/early teen contained two brothers named Ethan and Logan. They were giant dickbags who have ruined both names forever (for me, at least).

He did confront the groin and is seriously codifying discontinuing the friendship if a satisfactory apology is not made. I truly hope the relationship can be mended, as the groom is an otherwise great guy. But I'm not sure my husband will be able to trust him again. Thank you for your advice.

Thank you.

Thank you for confirming my suspicions! I hate learning I can't trust people. And thank you all for your support. It's nice to feel less alone.

My husband was in a wedding today. The groom is someone I would consider a mutual friend, and a fairly close one at that. I say fairly close because he is one of few people in my husband's circle who knows I was rapped, the circumstances, and who did it. He assured me he is no longer friends with the asshole and

It truly is.

I made Green Bean Casserole from scratch today and it was fucking amazing! More labor-intensive to make the mushroom gravy from scratch, but so satisfying. I used a recipe from and it was a hit.

"Got a long list of ex-lovers; they'll tell you I'm insane" is the actual line. But I heard 'Starbucks' the first time, too.

This actually happened to me just yesterday! Background: I recently checked myself into a partial-hospitalization program for my depression. This program also serves as rehab for drug and alcohol addicts, which I have no problem with; I've met some really cool people. However, this one guy kept openly staring at me.

At what point can we all just agree that as long as the clothing is environment-appropriate (by which I mean not wearing a bikini in North Dakota in December), the rest doesn't matter? I know we all judge each other based on attire, but when will we realize it really doesn't matter? My work look and my normal look are

My dad wanted to name me "Radar". He claims it would have served dual purposes: 1) if I was born dyslexic, I could still read my name and 2) paying homage to his favorite M*A*S*H* character. Fortunately, he and my mother settled on a completely made-up name that people frequently confuse with either a classic rock

This is my current long-standing fight with my husband. He has a job with limited social interaction (cook in a restaurant), and misses interacting with more people. I work in retail sales, so most days I just want everyone to leave me alone when my shift is over. My husband maintains that I am rude because I don't

My husband and I do the same thing. Last night, he asked if I was going to do my usual mini-yoga routine before bed. I told him I had heartburn, which (in my mind) obviously means I am not going to be lying on the ground for minutes at a time. He was irritated that I didn't answer the question with 'yes' or 'no'. I

I wish I could say I didn't understand you. I'm on the precipice, and consciously going down the same road. I know all of the health and feminist arguments, and I am choosing to do this the unhealthy way. Why? Because I'm a perfectionist with no real life plan for the first time in years. I need to control something,

Pretty sure that after a good orgasm, I am out like a light. My husband says I'm more of a "man" (being stereotypical) than he is. We are both okay with this. Nothing beats great sex before a great nap.

My brother-in-law asked why we were "watching that lesbian" in reference to Ellen. He had chosen the channel. My husband pointed out that being a lesbian did not make her less funny, or different from us. My mother-in-law proceeded to lecture us on how the Bible says homosexuals will go to Hell, but she's not going to