

Now playing

damn dawg where did you get your education? I so want your awesome upgrades.

would that fix the edges on the perimeter of the drone?


I am glad to hear the Army alone will drop over active duty 100,000 soldiers, but I don't know what that means because I speak a language named English.


"Jailbaiting your Ipad will violate your warranty"

dawg, you screw a vagina into some female threads(no pun intended) and open up safari,

Bo'sun :TOO LONG!

hhaha sad but true

Although it seems as though they only want equality, they could be implying their explicit support for same sex Marriage and in the Santorum example they'd potentially back this stance in the future.

I hear what ur saying, but I can't really pay attention because I'm too busy thinking about ur future article telling me how some idiot walked off a bridge because the GPS Walkie Talker applap they paid for told them too.

A non voter is nothing more than a traitor.



Not really, ya'll are just republicans. No one took an a specific point haha.

There wasn't any bigotry. Quote it and show me the bigotry. I am not intolerant of Republicans and go out of my way to defend extreme Republicanism because as a Liberal I totally understand where they are coming from.

False, there is not an instance of bigotry in the passage, and while I will concede and admit that you may be the better cook, I, human, am a mathematician and do not require grammer for my craft as I literally sit here and type with one, uno, mano puta

For the record I do not have, nor have I ever held, nor will I ever accept, a coveted Gawker Media star.

You're confusion is not my responsibility, it has no effect on my life, from the bottom of my heart I truly do not give a damn what you have to say. I am voting for Barack Obama and so are we.