
Sir, our executive branch will be controlled by one of two parties. If you aren't voting for Obama, or simply aren't voting at all, then you're helping the Republican movement. Only bigots, morons, and assholes help Republicans, like my asshole ass when I canvas for a the extreme pro gun AZ republicans just so that I

Vote for Obama if your not a fucking moron.

This American consumer held off getting the Ipad 2 for Mother dearest, telling her a new model is imminent.

Are you not En....tertained?

Needspacefare is already defecating on Steve Jobs tombstone for lack of warranty extension.

If I had seen this episode, before I read this article, I would have known to come here to read this article.

Too stupid to know how to photoshop anything.

Don't worry about it Mat Honan! Hard working America will pick up the slack left by your Greek, er, Californian productivity. You can take off early if you want, I mean, the weekend is practically here anyway!

Radioactive you say!!

Buy, Buy, Buy, Buy, Buy, Buy, Buy, Buy, Buy!

Didn't someone mention an Apple fanboys egging Apple? Why are you telling people Apple got egged? Did Ballmer put you up to this?

Didn't watch ad, didn't read story, next!

If nothing else we'll do it for the pride of humanity. If an automated drone, capable of fulfilling a billion year missions can even take a sample or a photo in another star system, fuck it I don't care if we're gone... We proved it can be done.

I'll admit I'm sensitive because I didn't know it was third party. I've got an internet reputation to maintain here!

Gizmodo doesn't care about the quality of their writing, if they did management would apply higher editing standards on the team by now.

What happened to that video someone posted earlyer? I want to see that, it was a crazy high def tv

A company I don't want to burn to the ground: "He is autistic, it's all over the Gawker boards, fuck it I don't want to make a special needs child feel bad."

Now playing

Note, even if this device was made by Microsoft, it would have very little to do with why I'm buying. Windows 8 will be hotcake crazy in the tablet market, Kinect could lead this company down a very unique path. I'm going to bet $10,000 I'll gain by Q4 or Q1 '13, but I'll hold out till XB720 Q4 if I can before I

I need more Microsoft Stock.

how do you get the crane down