White people are the very worst. Like, why do they even exist?
White people are the very worst. Like, why do they even exist?
But he was called out. Over and over and over again. For racism, sexism, you-name-it-ism. It didn’t work.
Besh, please.
As puns go, that was a bit tiki-tacky.
That Marshawn has eyes, and a brain, and can see a ref and know never ever to shove him?
When you say “them” you are implicitly “othering them”. They are “them”, not “us.”
Right on. Whenever a famous black person does something horrible, I always say “Black people, you need to really think about the way you do stuff. Are you truly an ally of non-black people?”
You are not alone, sister. I think mean can sometimes be funny, but it rarely to never was with her. It was all so hacky borscht belt blahhhhhhh shoutiness. And even the shouty thing Sam Kinison did better.
It isn’t just not remembering, it is never knowing and making shit up. I know eff all about punk, but I know Cobain wasn’t. The whole things reeks of so much self-congratulatory bullshit. It is so... Trumpian.
Had lunch with Steve Jobs the other day. Tremendous guy. So smart. Freed the slaves which were working in the orchards. A lot of people don’t even know that, it happens I do.
Never have so many privilege people been so racist! (I am speaking, of course, of this very website....)
Someone really needs to file a Complaint on this dude.
Well, it has been a good week for the victims, though.
No, he does not say that. You are very stupid.
My thoughts and prayers go out to Trump’s golfing victims.
The “right”? Really? So when HR calls you in for a chit-chat, you can start off with kneeling, as a protest? You have that “right”?
Yes, juries hate that shit. You’d probably see them rule in Dipshit Fan’s favor with a 1 dollar award.