Morning! You know, I was deeply unsurprised to see a little notice from you. Man... you must be so upset. I hope I’m not adding to your stress!
Morning! You know, I was deeply unsurprised to see a little notice from you. Man... you must be so upset. I hope I’m not adding to your stress!
I’m torn: do I remind you that your replies are being erased without being read by anyone (unless folks get in quick!), or egg you on for more?
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Just because your words are invisible and don’t matter doesn’t mean they don’t matter to you! Take heart!
Still replying into the void? I want to say “sad”, but... it’s actually funny, isn’t it? I do wonder what you said, though. So very much.
MOAR! It has more deep thoughts. A shame they shall linger in the void forever.
Yep: nope. Not reading. You had your chance at a civil discussion, but you weren’t up to it. Dismissed, missy!
Dismissed. Not read. Did you miss the part where I said I would do that? And how unsurprising, really, is that? The agony of never knowing what you typed so earnestly!
Ooh, just took a brief, though unpleasant, dive into your comment history. You’re quite the nasty little cunt, aren’t you? And weirdly, ironically devoid of any empathy whatever, it would seem. But funny how you like to strut about misunderstanding the term “straw man” and patting yourself on the back for your dull…
So. Much. Empathy. The feels: you are good at them.
Except you aren’t demonstrating anything like empathy yourself, only a desire to have people you interact with be the enemies you want, which has fuck-all to do with empathy, which you’d know if you were anything more than a virtue-signalling troll i love with her own voice.
You have become what you beheld; Peggy Noonan now resides within your very heart. And spleen.
No. Again, your grasp of logic is startlingly depressing, though ultimately amusing. You really aren’t up to this at all.
As is virtually everyone commenting here. The fact that you are bleating for empathy while ignoring what people are saying to you and whingeing insults like a twatwaffle could, possibly, be a call for you to reflect.
Christ, you’re not very bright, are you?
Don’t let failing to grasp simple logic prevent you from being whingey.
So, what’s your team, then? And you follow all 53 guys, plus practice squad? I mean, if you care, you must, right?
Correct, and Traveythyan skillfully lowers his head as he dives in.
I hate gristly sausage.
And Deadspin profits off of NFL coverage from a fan viewpoint! How can anyone with a conscience remain on this site?