
Thanks very much for the tip. Now I’ll just go ahead and....

This is horrific racist bullshit. I hope you enjoy it just as much when it’s turned on you.

Yours is an intriguing post—how does one find out more? Would a Google image search be in order?

That sounds very cool. That said, Arya Stark is very, very bad at sword fighting.

Try Green Dot Stables. A-mazing.

Because asses are sex parts?

Sorry, I may have been unclear: PC/ID culture helps stoke white identity, which powers racism/fascism.

Well, why don’t you email them the white-baiting snark you wrote and see what they say? We can call it an experiment. I think it’ll be fun.

Meh... funnish? Just another day bashing a racist on the internet for me.

I apologize... I thought I was giving you a promotion! ;)

Send an email to HR with your racist putridness, then. No? Not such a hot idea?

You want more abuse? Try saying some of that disgusting shit where you work. After you get a job, that is.

Everything about your comment reminds me of the worst type of semi-human.

The stupid, she burns.

Wow. Your post is actually so grotesquely racist and misogynistic it’s helpful. So... thanks?

Really troubling to see a white woman lecture a POC woman about what she needs to say about race.

The new PC actually helped ignite the new fascist movement.

“Seriously black people, you need to get your shit in order because it isn’t just white folk you need to worry about anymore.”

Footie n00b—why would that be a foul?

Damn few. And I think that makes a difference.