The subway handles nearly 6 million individual trips PER DAY. you are a specil kind of stupid if you think that many people can get to where they need to go without it.
The subway handles nearly 6 million individual trips PER DAY. you are a specil kind of stupid if you think that many people can get to where they need to go without it.
The pirates should have signed Arrieta so that they no longer would have to face Arrieta
To be fair, the new Kosciuszko Bridge is only 1/2 done. The second span is underway and that SHOULD help with congestion.
I was on a trip with some of my other lily-white friends years back and, on a stop in Puerto Rico, one of those friends spoke to our bartender in Spanish. The bartender paused for a second and then asked him how long he lived in Mexico. Apparently his Spanish came out with a heavy Mexican accent. Just to make it…
The ACC tournament is going on right now. In Brooklyn.
That’s a lute, but you get the star anyway
How would it fit in your house with all of the space that smugness takes up?
So they have no other operating expenses other than player salaries? Fascinating.
Damn, it’s pretty fugly. That sorta half shark fin makes my eyes hurt.
When a wrong has been committed there’s always a struggle between the idea that the perpetrator needs to be punished and/or rehabilitated. As far as punishment goes, the settling of the lawsuit probably cost him a good bit financially. Was that in proportion to the wrong that was committed? I guess that’s what…
Sounds like Doctor Professor did!
US soccer isn’t healthy enough for promotion/relegation. Really. That’s the whole issue.
Christ the King is a private catholic school and not part of the N.Y. Public School system, so why does it make any sense to draw some sort of relationship between it and IS 224? I mean, religious schools suck and have all sorts of problems all by themselves, but they have nothing to do with NY Public Schools.
COOL! it runs DOS!
The scarcity is not artificial if there is in inability to provide additional seats rather than a choice not to do so. Restaurants have a fixed capacity. If they are full, they are full. If they have a back room that they are not opening up in order to throttle them supply of tables, then the scarcity could be…
Over in Ohio, FedEx (and others) are running TRIPLE trailers. Stay frosty.
Is joe rogan still associated with ufc? Because anything joe rogan is associated with is automatically fucking stupid.
Engler is an absolute piece of shit. I lived in Michigan during his time as governor and he was as dishonest and sleazy as you can imagine. I have no faith in his ability to do the right thing here and I expect this shitshow to just get worse. The students and faculty of MSU who have nothing to do with all of this…